
The Johnny Cash Project


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    In December of 2010 a fellow strutter and I went to Mississippi to go through the library of a radio station that had been in business since the early 50's. This place was right out of "O Brother Where Art Thou" with a room where Bluegrass and Gospel acts would come in and broadcast live on the air.

    We spent the day with the dude who had built the station and he had some great stories. My favorite was about how he had attended "Broadcasting School" in Memphis in 1955. On the second day of class a young guy asked him if he could bum a ride to a job interview. He drove him to Sun Recording Studio and dropped him off. The young guy never showed back up for classes again......his name was Johnny Cash.

  • BobDesperado said:

    This is rad. I just submitted a frame. Anybody else get down?
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