Money For Nothing (Censorship-R)

dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,460 Posts
edited January 2011 in Strut Central

whats the strut views on this?
TORONTO ??? A gay rights organization is applauding the decision that deemed Dire Straits' 1985 hit ``Money for Nothing'' unacceptable for Canadian radio.

The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council decided on Wednesday that the song violates part of the broadcast industry's code of ethics because the lyrics include the word ``faggot'' three times.

Egale Canada executive director Helen Kennedy says it's the right decision, given the recent high-profile suicides of teenagers who were the subject of homophobic and transphobic bullying.

``I think it's extremely important to take these words out of lyrics in popular culture,'' Kennedy said in a telephone interview Thursday. ``It perpetuates the stereotype, it's negative and it's offensive. If you look to the origin of the word, it's disgusting.

``And you know, I really do think that it should not be part of anybody's lyrics or playbook.''

The scrutiny of the Dire Straits song was prompted by a listener of radio station CHOZ-FM in St. John's, N.L., who complained last year about the lyric.

you can read more about it @ the linkz posted above...


  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    i support it. no rap song would be allowed to use an uneditted "faggot" on radio for 5 seconds let alone 30 years.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    thrope said:
    i support it. no rap song would be allowed to use an uneditted "faggot" on radio for 5 seconds let alone 30 years.

    Actually, this is a fair point.

    Still, the lyric is quite obviously written from a third-person perspective, and this ban suggests that neither Egale Canada nor the CBSC think anyone is smart enough to work that out for themselves. Smacks of people going out of their way to find something to be outraged by.

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,460 Posts

    Standing on the front stoop, hangin' out the window
    Watching all the cars go by, roaring as the breezes blow
    Crazy lady livin' in a bag
    Eating out of garbage pails, used to be a fag-hag

    Grand Master Flash - the message....

    and what about shit like Queens - Fat Bottom Girls, you'd swear weightloss groups would be lobbying all over the world and shit, i think its a joke and far from support censorship in music...

    and hey what about pulling Kris Kross and Van Halen's Jump
    becuase people listened to it before they jumped off bridges...i mean where does it end..


    and what about christmas songs:
    Don we now our gay apparel,
    Fa la la la la la la,


  • the whole thing sounds pointless but i think what doc said about it being "third person" is true. it's spoken from the perspective of the blue collar maintenance dudes who are grudgingly having to work on modernizing a rock star's home and jealously griping that they don't consider him a real man. of course that rockstar is probably the songwriter mark knopfler so if anything its self-deprecation.

    the real anachronism in that song is that it refers to mtv as being a haven for rock n 'roll or whatever..
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