Pete Postlethwaite

DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
edited January 2011 in Strut Central


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    RIP. I never really knew his name before, though. I just thought of him as "the guy with the nose."

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Sad news indeed. He was a great character actor and I always got the impression he was a really nice guy.

    I was going to post about it earlier but I didn't think many strut'ers would be familiar.

  • dag yo.

    i didn't know it was that bad with him.

    i commented to my girlfriend that he wasn't looking TOO great when we watched "the town", but i didn't think he was that close to the end.


  • I think it's cool that he had a pretty big movie the year he died (the Town).

    it was like Sydney Pollack with Michael Clayton: at least the current crop of movie goers got to see him in a very recent roll before he passed.

    if that makes sense.

  • JimsterJimster 6,934 Posts
    Once said his name would never be in lights because it would take too many bulbs. Kobayashi San RIP.

  • legend. RIP
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