Christmas=Looking Through Photos

behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
edited December 2010 in Strut Central
my grandparents right after they were married

my father on the left with his brothers

my fathers college ID

father at work with various presidents and Tommy Lasorda


  • These are awesome. Thanks for sharing!! Out of curiosity, what did your pops do for a living?

  • Dude! Your dad is Robert Reisman?

  • Lasorda looks like he's wearing those $200 dark jeans with the painted on stress/fade marks

  • Is that the same Robert Reisman who wrote "Big-Time Friends, Confined Spaces"? If so, I've read it like 6 times.

  • This your pops?

    (Is it weird that I Googled his name?)

  • All jokes aside, cool pictures.

    And Herm is weird. Just kidding. Through herm's research I learned that your dad is basically running the allergy game. Can't dusk with him. Is he disappointed that his son chose to inhale mold and dust as a hobby?

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    my father was a pilot. He's retired now. He flew for Prudential and they chartered the plane sometimes. He told me after he flew Lasorda he took my father and the crew out for drinks in LA and said Lasorda had to sign an autograph every 2 minutes.

    Also flew Three Dog Night and Paul McCartney and Linda during the Wings days.

    he flew him for a month for the US tour and instead of flying city to city he had to take them to NY each night so they could sleep in their own place haha. the wonders of money.
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