Title track
Title trackDo you mean the actual song or the notion of simultaneously experiencing both joy and pain?
By the way - I was not familiar with that Hot Chocolate track you requested...
what track is this that y'all speak of?
I've always been slightly fond of "Heaven's In The Back Seat Of My Cadillac" for obvious reasons...
what lp is that on?
Are you folls talking about Hot Chocolate or Chocolate milk??
Do you mean the actual song or the notion of simultaneously experiencing both joy and pain?
hehe actual song, but im sure the other could be a bit of fun as well, depending on how you look at it...
Listening to that song repeadly was the only remedy.
Those first chords and guitar that come in with the finger snaps after the intro percussion =
that is all
"exceedingly beautiful"......... [color:white] and for the record Chocolate Milk ...not Hot Chocolate [/color]
Time Machine...................................."future reality"
I've always been slightly fond of "Heaven's In The Back Seat Of My Cadillac" for obvious reasons...
oh yeah huh???
I was thinking Hot Cocoa but now realize it's the latter.
do not sleep on the chocolate milk, thts the real g' shit...