Lyric deciphering assistance needed. (Ghostface-related)

Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
edited December 2010 in Strut Central
This damn line has been bugging me forever and no matter how many times I play it I can't figure out what he's saying. None of the online lyrics pages help either 'cause they seem incorrect. I need some fresh ears on this. Anyone wanna take a stab at it?

"A yo, I keep my guards up when it come to the women
Tone knew that ever since the beginnin'
That's why I stay in clubs down ??????
'Cause y'all girls is poison, peace to Mike Bivins"


  • "in white je-an"

  • Johannes said:
    "in white je-an" me It sounds more like "ginnin'" (as in "gin and tonic"). Maybe "downin' the white gin 'n?"

  • You are possibly right. Just took a look at the lines before it so...

  • Bump!

    You dudes don't listen to lyrics anymore?! ;-)

  • Herm said:
    Johannes said:
    "in white je-an" me It sounds more like "ginnin'" (as in "gin and tonic"). Maybe "downin' the white gin 'n?"

    That's what I heard, but it doesn't make any sense to me

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    barjesus said:
    Herm said:
    Johannes said:
    "in white je-an" me It sounds more like "ginnin'" (as in "gin and tonic"). Maybe "downin' the white gin 'n?"

    That's what I heard, but it doesn't make any sense to me

    The above is is correct. The "n" is a way of redundantly but flavorfully "verbing" the whole phrase. Ordinarily, the verb here would be "to down" ("to drink quickly" for my non-English folks); by verbing the whole phrase via the extra "ing" tacked on the end, the verb expands to become "to down the white gin," so the phrase becomes something like "downing-the-white-gin-ing." See also Jay's "I been sinnin' since you been playing-with-Barbie-and-Ken-in'." And I'm pretty sure that elsewhere Ghost himself has something like "Shoot at the clock when I'm killing-time-in'"
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