Big Brother at Wallmart

nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
edited December 2010 in Strut Central
Dystopian much?

Shoppers at Walmart will soon have something other than glossy magazines and chewing gum to look at when in the checkout line: A "video message" from the Department of Homeland Security asking them to look out for "suspicious" activity and report it immediately.

It's part of a new Department of Homeland Security program that could see Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's face on video screens in malls, retail outlets and hotels across the United States.

The Walmart video, which will soon be launched at 230 locations nationwide and may eventually be expanded to nearly 600 locations in 27 states, features Napolitano thanking the retailer by name for participating in the program.

Napolitano then says: "If you see something suspicious in the parking lot or in the store, say something immediately. Report suspicious activity to your local police or sheriff. If you need help, ask a Walmart manager for assistance."

The video, which doesn't appear to offer any advice on what constitutes "suspicious" activity, is part of DHS' "If You See Something, Say Something" program. It was launched originally in the New York City public transit system and, according to the DHS, is about to go nationwide.

Besides Walmart, the program has partnered with Mall of America in Minneapolis, the US's largest mall, as well as the American Hotel and Lodging Association, rail operator Amtrak, and the Washington, DC, public transit system.

"In the coming months, the Department will continue to expand the 'If You See Something, Say Something' campaign nationally with public education materials and outreach tools designed to help America's businesses, communities and citizens remain vigilant and play an active role in keeping the country safe," DHS said in a statement.

The following video was posted to YouTube by the DHS.

"if you need help, ask a walmart manager for assistance"


  • Funny, I just made a comment to someone the other day and refered to scared, Christian, misguided republican types as "the Wal Mart demographic"...glad to see I am validated. The gubment ain't stupid, they know where to go for feeble minds.

  • sweet! another reason for me to continue to boycott the machine current known as WalMart, i wont step foot in one, i wont even allow Walmart shopping bags in my house, if Walmart was givin schitt away, i wouldnt show up...screw walmart!@

    5 years and counting without a walmart in my life and thats fine with local businesses, power to the people!

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Wal-Mart is THEE biggest FREAK SHOW in town.

    I refuse to set foot in that place... It represents ALL that is evil.

  • ^^ ditto on that

    ^^ waste your day away looking at some of these god damn characters...i mean

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    RAJ said:
    Wal-Mart is THEE biggest FREAK SHOW in town.

    I refuse to set foot in that place... It represents ALL that is evil.

    you're right and I used to refuse but man...hell if I don't love going in there at like midnight to get milk or something else I forgot for the next morning and just take my time and people watch. The witching hour in that place is sooooooo entertaining.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    That is GOLD.

  • dj_cityboy said:
    ^^ ditto on that

    ^^ waste your day away looking at some of these god damn characters...i mean
    I was about to mention that site...

  • Can someone explain to me why the same people, it seems, that hate on Walmart for being a giant, monopolitic, behemoth, crushing out choice, quality and competition are the same people who want the Federal government to be in charge of everything basically with the same results? Only worse quality.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    sabadabada said:
    Can someone explain to me why the same people, it seems, that hate on Walmart for being a giant, monopolitic, behemoth, crushing out choice, quality and competition are the same people who want the Federal government to be in charge of everything basically with the same results? Only worse quality.

    They would LOVE Wal-Mart if they gave out stuff for free to lower income folks and charged "rich" folks double.

  • sabadabada said:
    Can someone explain to me why the same people, it seems, that hate on Walmart for being a giant, monopolitic, behemoth, crushing out choice, quality and competition are the same people who want the Federal government to be in charge of everything basically with the same results? Only worse quality.

    well, governments aren't businesses for one. Secondly, Wal Mart is the prime example of success in a unregulated free and pop crushing monolith selling cheap bullshit that treats it's employees like crap.

  • Rockadelic said:
    sabadabada said:
    Can someone explain to me why the same people, it seems, that hate on Walmart for being a giant, monopolitic, behemoth, crushing out choice, quality and competition are the same people who want the Federal government to be in charge of everything basically with the same results? Only worse quality.

    They would LOVE Wal-Mart if they gave out stuff for free to lower income folks and charged "rich" folks double.

    Didn't Walmart start giving out free crap after Katrina about a week before the federal government even showed up?

    And nothing crushes out competition like the federal government.

  • Sab, I always assumed you were a scotch swilling Buckley are starting to sound like a tea bagger. A Buckley acolyte would simply find ways to create soul crushing monoliths in a government controlled enviornment, not whine about.

  • i have seen a man at a self checkout in walmart purchasing only a machete and leather gloves. this is not a joke. i suppose i should have talked to an assistant manager. thankfully these video screens will remind me in the future.

  • cookbook said:
    i have seen a man at a self checkout in walmart purchasing only a machete and leather gloves. this is not a joke. i suppose i should have talked to an assistant manager. thankfully these video screens will remind me in the future.

    I know, it's criminal that this customer intends to do some actual physical labor when he could just sit around and collect 98 weeks of unemployment.
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