Let's Talk About The Post Office

I actually love the post office I go to. I am on a first name basis with a few of the clerks. they know why I am there. etc.
it is funny to sit back and watch the people there who think the world revolves around them. let's talk about them
-the people who ask the clerks to package their stuff for them. put it in the box. bubble wrap it. tape it. etc
-the people who talk out loud on line and say things like "unbelievable!!!", "why are there only 3 windows open?" or "sighhhhhhh" and complain about how long it is taking and how they have to be back at work. i mean why would you go to the post office on a half hour lunch break when the whole world does the same thing?
i can't understand how 70 yr old men and women act like they have never been to the post office before.
i am ranting. but it is funny...
it is funny to sit back and watch the people there who think the world revolves around them. let's talk about them
-the people who ask the clerks to package their stuff for them. put it in the box. bubble wrap it. tape it. etc
-the people who talk out loud on line and say things like "unbelievable!!!", "why are there only 3 windows open?" or "sighhhhhhh" and complain about how long it is taking and how they have to be back at work. i mean why would you go to the post office on a half hour lunch break when the whole world does the same thing?
i can't understand how 70 yr old men and women act like they have never been to the post office before.
i am ranting. but it is funny...
Sounds like my post office. I love the clerks. Customers are entitled shits in general. A lot of old people that act like they dont know how to wait in line. I guess they figure they got less time left. It is good for a laugh sometimes.
The postal system is actually pretty amazing.
I've received lots of bad and just generally unfriendly and not-very-helpful service by postal clerks. Like straight-up "I hate my job and all you people" type of sh*t. "I work for the government, I get paid well and 'smile' is not written in our policy book." "Sorry, you can't use our tape. There's an Office Max up the road." Really?! I'll PAY for the four inches of tape, lady!
And, on the flip, yes it's noon. And yes, we know that we're gonna have a huge rush of people coming in on their lunch hour (ummm, most likely because we're closed when they get off at work) but you know what, we're gonna go ahead and schedule our lunch breaks so that we only have one, MAYBE two windows open to service all these people who are in a hurry. Matter of fact, we'll overlap them by 15 minutes. That'll really piss 'em off.
Just because these fools work for the government don't mean they get a pass. I'm still a customer, damn it. Keep it up and I'll see what Brown can do for me.
*This rant does not apply to mail carriers. I've had plenty friendly ones over the years.
Let's see...because that's the only time in their day that they have to go to the frickin post office.
Seriously, open another couple windows during the rush hour...not too difficult to figure out there, post office.
What I can't stand is how fat 75% of post office workers are...actually their fat doesn't actually bother me. It's that 75% of that 75% move slower than the slowest sloths on earth.
God forbid that they have to ever check on something in the back. You might grow a full beard waiting on them walking a mere 50 feet and back.
Free scheduled pick-up is the move. I don't know why more people don't do this... I know guys who run full-time mail order operations that still spend hours of their lives in the PO.
Meanwhile, I spend hours of my life on Soulstrut. SUCKERS
that crushingly bleak soul destroying reality was more than i could take. I didnt last long in any of those positions.
some good stories though, i understand why its called 'going postal', the realisation that no matter how hard you work, that the mailbags will be full again tomorrow is too much for some dudes to take. i lasted a year as a postman, saw 3 colleague meltdowns (one violent), various punchups, pathetic alcoholism, systematic mail fraud, a sweet drug running setup and more.
and yes its true, a fragile sticker means 'throw'.
i do not trust anything in the mail.
Go read Bukowsi's 'Post Office' it is about as accurate as it gets.
such a great read!
i respect the fuck out of postal workers. my PO clerks are always super nice and friendly. we have the usual folls who rant and pant about the long wait, its been 5 minutes, calm yourself. and old people hate it the most...
i always leave my mail carrier a holiday gift, and hope you do as well.
when there's a 10 minute wait at the APC, you know you have a busy PO.
i usually wait til i visit mom and dad, their tiny PO is great, never a wait.
how about those jerkoffs who roll in and straight CUT to the front of the line... and they get helped! they usually know the clerk on a first name basis, like regulars or some shit.
or that old fuck who stands in line for a 1/2 hour for just one stamp... and he's always in FRONT of me, of course.
I formed friendships with a couple of clerks. I brought my kids in and they would get lollipops. It was truly a community center.
Then the government started cutting back and raising rates and policies and it REALLY got tired. Everyone of those clerks cannot wait to retire from there. The management is some dysfunctional shit.
It is Government run so customers automatically feel that it's their tax dollars and it's their way. But it is honestly THE MAN's fault. I would show up with a bin full of 30 records to ship ... mostly International with forms with one clerk working the window... because the government is too cheap. I'd be there for 25 minutes and a HUGE line would form behind me and people would huff and puff. It's NOT the clerk's fault. They need like a stand up comedian and shit to work the crowd because these in bred fucks get ROWDY.
I once got in a screaming match with some 60 year old menopaused fat woman for berating the clerk for being too slow.
I can send a letter across town or across the country, or to Nome AK or Lanai HI for .42c.
You think UPS wants to compete with that?
Letters get to those locations in less than a week, often a day or 2.
I have only seen one fat postal clerk. Seen lots of fat postal customers.
I shipped thousands and thousands of boxes or records over the last 20 years. In that time I have had 1 international boxes lost, and 1 destroyed. Not a bad record.
My post office used to be open 24 hours. Because of the decrease in business due to the internet, they are now only opened to 7am-10pm, pretty good.
I know the clerks there by their names, they are nice and efficient. If I need a little piece of tape they will give it to me.
My postal carrier is retiring, tomorrow. I gave him a nice gift from dog, he always has a treat for her.
Damn, those lines are long. 7 windows and only 2 clerks, WTF?
It costs how much to ship a record overseas?!?
What, you raised the rates again?
What, another flier comcast? How can they afford to send me mail every day?
No you can't.
What? They raised the rates again? .44c
I love commemorative stamps. I currently am using Julia De Burgos, Winslow Homer, Adopt a pet, and Sunday Funnies with Calvin and Hobbes!
This. Dudes and dudettes, if you knew how bad it was to deal inside the postal service, you wouldn't treat them badly unless they went over the line. The management system of the postal service in the U.S. rewards the most vile people imaginable for their "time" and "service." The mail never stops. People along the postal route can be awful aholes. Coworkers are awful duplicitous aholes. People coming to the post office to mail things shows me how shockingly dumb and inconsiderate many Americans are.
PS My "favorite" (i.e. most hated thing about the PO) is the people who wanna peruse every stamp they have while there are huge lines behind them. GUESS WHAT BITCH, NO ONE CARES OR LOOKS AT WHAT STAMP YOU PUT ON YOUR CHRISTMAS CARD, GET OVER IT AND CHOOSE!
My PO knows me by first name, are very nice and cater to me because I (AND MANY LIKE ME) KEEP THEM OPEN. Additionally, they are nice people. Interestingly though, only women work at this particular PO. The next town over's PO is crushingly bleak and awful, and I only use it on Saturdays becuz their hours are longer. Otherwise, a no go.
I resemble that remark.
Couldn't this apply to any job though? I don't think they deserve lower expectations just because they chose a shitty job.
It's different, trust me. Additionally, no one "chooses" to work at the post office.