TSA Strut

DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
edited November 2010 in Strut Central
Any strutters deal with this yet? Did they make you cough when they copped a feel?

This stuff is pretty crazy. What really blows my mind is I just saw where they might be getting some of these people who are feeling up your kids & wives.



  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    On the one hand, I think this current brouhaha is some serious dumb shit. People are making massive mountains out of molehills. Just do the fucking body scan if you don't want to get felt up - it's really that simple.

    HOWEVER, TSA's history on "safety precautions" is so painfully inept, so bereft of intuitive logic, so patently reactionary rather than pro-active, that I don't blame people for having reached their limit.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    My wife is flying thursday.
    I was thinking about an other thread and wondering if I should administer a beat down to any tsa agent who trys to feel up my wife.
    I know the cops aint gonna do shit.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    mannybolone said:
    On the one hand, I think this current brouhaha is some serious dumb shit. People are making massive mountains out of molehills. Just do the fucking body scan if you don't want to get felt up - it's really that simple.

    HOWEVER, TSA's history on "safety precautions" is so painfully inept, so bereft of intuitive logic, so patently reactionary rather than pro-active, that I don't blame people for having reached their limit.

    And this.

  • What's wrong with advertising on pizza boxes? Are people worried about greasy fingertips caressing their nooks, and gripping their crannies? Should they also make sure that they advertise on serviettes as well?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    mannybolone said:
    On the one hand, I think this current brouhaha is some serious dumb shit. People are making massive mountains out of molehills. Just do the fucking body scan if you don't want to get felt up - it's really that simple.

    HOWEVER, TSA's history on "safety precautions" is so painfully inept, so bereft of intuitive logic, so patently reactionary rather than pro-active, that I don't blame people for having reached their limit.

    I have no doubt that some people are over reacting. But I do question what the effects radiation from these machines may have on pilots, flight attendants and biz travelers who fly hundreds of times a year.

    I mean, we are told you aren't suppose to be xray'd more that a couple of times a year.

    The girl I'm dating right now is a flight attendant and she told me while going through the machines doesn't bother her much right now, she has no idea what the effects might be down the line.

    Plus, the Michael Chertoff ties with this all is kinda suspect.

    But they really should just installed these machines and cop feels at all federal & state buildings also and let senators, congressmen/women get their balls/breasts fondled as well.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    Anyone want to put their kids through this?

    The first kid looks like he's having fun, though the extent of his search is pretty ridiculous. The second one features a more typical tantrum.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Gizmodo's been on a roll this week. Regardless of the scanning/pat down situation, I hope this forces them to seriously rethink the way they conduct things.
    It also just came out that the makers of these machines spent over 4 million in lobbying to get these mandated (surprise!).





    And is there a pedo/TSA theme here? I've seen all kinds of shit in airports, but never this.

  • kicks79kicks79 1,334 Posts
    Wow how long do they intend to keep this up ?
    I might put off my trip to the states for a while.

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    One more reason to avoid connecting flights in the US. They've been discussing on the news a study which showed that those machines don't really work properly. And despite the fact that they said it would not be done, the body scans are apparently being stored. :f-u:

  • staxwaxstaxwax 1,474 Posts
    Can you say false security blanket ?

    Every recent significant attempt or attack made on airliners has employed some new method NOT DETECTABLE by then current security measures-

    Plus there have been so many incidents with random people being able to get on the tarmac, near planes or the luggage being handled - with ground staff not being checked/screened as thoroughly as passengers - security checking seems pretty arbitrary to me - especially on flights coming into the US from other countries.

    The main thing being accomplished is pissing off the very customers airlines so desperately need.

  • my most recent work trip was out to denver, co. on the way back, i had to get a full body scan. i saw the scanned image with my own eyes, and you cant see jack shit in the image.. speficialy junk/nipples/specific facial features/etc. whether the images are stored or not really has no relevance imo. unless you are some iconic figure, i dont think anyone could pick you out in a lineup of these images.

    this debate is extremely two sided, and its really impossible to pick one. on the one hand, everyone wants to "get out there and fight them terrorists" but get pissed off when we try to enforce some precautions on home turf. on the other, what are the lasting effects of this procedure, is it really going to stop everything from making it through? honestly it feels strictly like a reaction to the christmas underwear bomber last year. who knows what crazy shit they will get through TSA this holiday.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,129 Posts
    On the other hand, people are projecting all sorts of weird, unreasonable shit onto the agents...


  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    I found this guys experience interesting


  • yeah the video of the news reporters 3yr old daughter getting the "go over" wasnt cool in my books, after teaching your kids to not let anyone touch them and all the "dont trust strangers" convos people have with their kids...here is this person rubbing down your kid, if this was an adult i would feel a bit differently about it (although i still dont agree with that either) but kids? at the end of the day the lady doing the search didnt appear to know how to properly deal with the situation, when the kid is screaming and have a tantrum and wanting to get picked up by her mother...that should have been it imho!

    its gotta be tough on airport employees at the same time having people bitch at you everytime they go through a scanner..doesnt seem like that "rewarding" of a job....i postponed a vacation this year to go next year because of a lot of this shit, doesnt look like its going to get any easier...

    i just dont know how long people are going to tolerate it for...flying is mad friggin expensive so is taking vacations...and the hassle of going through all this shit on top of what you pay for tickets, hotels and other shit...just doesnt seem worth it all in the end...

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    mannybolone said:
    . Just do the fucking body scan if you don't want to get felt up - it's really that simple.

  • staxwaxstaxwax 1,474 Posts
    Al Qaida's super secret crotch bomb! we have to find it! strip search all grannies and toddlers!

  • nzshadow said:
    I found this guys experience interesting


    wow...just wow!

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts

  • I'm worried for pregnant women who can't get x-rayed and have to suffer through a humiliating pat down.

    And trust that this is not making us safer, but it did make someone richer.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    mannybolone said:
    . Just do the fucking body scan if you don't want to get felt up - it's really that simple.

    In the age of underwear bombers, I don't consider the sanctity of my crotch to be a defining issue. If I'm getting on a plane, the truth is I want everyone's crotch checked. Sorry shy guys.

    Now if a TSA dude is getting a little too close, or has some sex crimes in their background, or has multiple complaints, toss em out for sure. But the rest of this seems like sensationalist hype, tailor-made to fill 12 minutes per hour on CNN. People are getting upset about a body scan before getting on a plane in 2010? Seriously? That's gonna stop you from flying? You really think they want a keepsake x-ray of your junk? Get over it dudes..

    On the other hand, the fact that the flight crew may end up with hundreds of x-rays a year just for doing their job, thats an interesting issue. I gotta think about that one.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    What I find amazing is that they are making pilots do this too.

    If I was a pilot I'd tell a TSA agent as loudly as I could..... "Look motherfucker, if I wanted to kill every passenger on the plane I'd just aim for the ground from 50,000 feet"!!

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    The x-ray machine can't detect internal bombs, which is the next place they'll be hiding bombs. Then what, fingers and cameras in vaginas and rectums? No thanks. I'll take my stand here. Fuck the TSA. I'm not flying.

  • Options
    Reynaldo said:
    The x-ray machine can't detect internal bombs, which is the next place they'll be hiding bombs. Then what, fingers and cameras in vaginas and rectums? No thanks. I'll take my stand here. Fuck the TSA. I'm not flying.

    You're just worried that they'll find your Papillon-style stash.

  • Reynaldo said:
    The x-ray machine can't detect internal bombs, which is the next place they'll be hiding bombs. Then what, fingers and cameras in vaginas and rectums? No thanks. I'll take my stand here. Fuck the TSA. I'm not flying.

    Seriously, and I can't believe (or maybe I can) how many people in this country have gotten to the point where they'll just do what their told because they're terrified.
    There's a banality to the incremental loss of rights in this society that is beyond disturbing.
    You are not being protected.
    You are however getting f*cked.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts

    As if flying wasn't a pain in the ass enough for me... I have a VERY common name and was on the Do Not Fly list for 2 years. The humiliating shit they put me through was enough for me to want to take the fucking Greyhound. Can't wait to fly next month.

    I mean... strip down and put everything under the conveyor belt. Throw out any liquids that exceeds 4 oz's. Get Interrogated with asinine questions... Is this your bag? Step aside sir.

    All we are missing are dudes with machine guns at the gate.


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I can't remember where I read this but it came out a few years ago, probably around the time they started confiscating water bottles because some jerk off tried to mix a chemical bomb on a plane, but it basically argued that TSA basically serves to psychological function rather than a true security function; they're a fig leaf in other words. You know that it's all bullshit, they know it's all bullshit but we mutually agree to pretend like it's actually meaningful to throw away juice boxes, take our shoes off and now, apparently, get groped and/or x-rayed, Total Recall-style (if only it were that simple). And we participate in this bit of theater because it allows us to feel like the planes we're flying on are safe so that we don't abandon the airline industry and see all them go bankrupt.

    The BUSINESS angle here really can't be overemphasized. It's really what all the security is about - the airlines HAVE to maintain an illusion of security for that segment of the public that won't fly if they're spooked. And I think this, more than anything, explains how pathetically reactive the TSA has been. It's not like the shoe bomber or underwear bomber invented some new device that security officials couldn't have predicted. They just didn't see the need to have to change their protocols until someone "went there" and then the public would begin to worry so in come a whole new set of TSA standards...always after the fact.

    Reynaldo's scenario is probably TSA's worst nightmare. If they caught someone on a US-bound plane with a condom full of C4 crammed up their bum that made it through a backscatter device...the fig leaf comes off. Obviously, travelers aren't going to consent to cavity searches to board a plane and unless they roll out some more powerful scanning devices (which people would also object to), you're now left with a scenario where both passengers and the TSA have to fess up to admitting that, after a certain point, on-site security won't be enough to catch a truly committed individual from sneaking onto a plane with the intent to do harm.

    And maybe we just need to collectively admit to ourselves that safety is an illusion and that, mostly, we're just playing the statistical odds (which are heavily in our favor). But I don't think that's what the public wants and it sure as hell isn't what the airlines want.

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    Unherd said:
    Rockadelic said:
    mannybolone said:
    . Just do the fucking body scan if you don't want to get felt up - it's really that simple.

    In the age of underwear bombers, I don't consider the sanctity of my crotch to be a defining issue. If I'm getting on a plane, the truth is I want everyone's crotch checked. Sorry shy guys.

    Now if a TSA dude is getting a little too close, or has some sex crimes in their background, or has multiple complaints, toss em out for sure. But the rest of this seems like sensationalist hype, tailor-made to fill 12 minutes per hour on CNN. People are getting upset about a body scan before getting on a plane in 2010? Seriously? That's gonna stop you from flying? You really think they want a keepsake x-ray of your junk? Get over it dudes..

    On the other hand, the fact that the flight crew may end up with hundreds of x-rays a year just for doing their job, thats an interesting issue. I gotta think about that one.

    It started with the shoe removal & similar bs, now this. If you let it slide they will go on to possibly do routine body-cavity searches like Reynaldo suggested and they might employ a series of even more intrusive tactics as time goes on. When there's a will there's a way, a bomber could probably just integrate the explosives in to the fabric of their clothes and it would pass both tests regardless. This is not the solution.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Secondary comment: Flying is a pain in the ass but you know what's really a pain in the ass? Driving for 3 days instead of taking a flight that only takes 5-6 hours.

    I mean, cotdamn people, YOU ARE FLYING THROUGH THE MOTHERFUCKING AIR. That shit is crazy. And yet, airplane travel is >>> safer than driving. You want that safe, fast option? Gotta be prepared to deal with some other inconveniences along the way.

    BTW, this seems apropos: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/11/reports-of-tsa-frustration/66925/

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    This is the perfect time for a new airlines to start up......call it "Waiver Air" and make all passengers sign a waiver that if there is a terrorist attack during the flight that they or their families won't be able to sue the airlines for any reason whatsoever.

    No security checks at all beyond a background check and proof of ID.

    No boarding lines and no crotch related "baggage handling".

  • Dude is going INNNNNNNN!
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