Let's Just Ban Everydamnthing And Get It Over With
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In the same speech he says this: "When it comes to developing content, our entertainment machine is too often in a race to the bottom. In fact, it is in a race to the bottom. Getting close. Even worse, our news media has all but surrendered to the forces of entertainment. And much of our news media is entertainment as opposed to news. Instead of a watchdog that is a check on the excesses of government and business, we have the endless barking of a 24-hour news cycle. We have journalism that is always ravenous for the next rumor, but insufficiently hungry for the facts that can nourish something called our democracy. As citizens, we are paying one heck of a price in the dumbing down of America. You're probably responsible for that."
Reducing the speech to headlines saying he "WANTS TO BAN FOX AND MSNBC" - as most news sources seem to be doing - is a very good example of the dumbing down that he's talking about. Rockefeller is not one of my favorites but he's got a point here.