
It's Halloween, what are you giving out?

edited November 2010 in Strut Central
Twix, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfinger. Last one to show up rolls with about a pound and a half of candy and some drunken fatherly advice.


  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Got Whoppers, Almond Joy, Heath Bars and Reeses cups. Plus I'm dressed in my costume so the kids (and parents) are tripping out when I open the door. I totally fucked up last year on Halloween in my new building so I'm trying to make amends.

  • Options
    Cosmo said:
    Got Whoppers, Almond Joy, Heath Bars and Reeses cups. Plus I'm dressed in my costume so the kids (and parents) are tripping out when I open the door. I totally fucked up last year on Halloween in my new building so I'm trying to make amends.


  • strataspherestratasphere Blastin' the Nasty 1,035 Posts
    Almost 7 lbs of an assorted mini's mix and Welches fruit snacks.

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    finger puppets and stickers.
    I'm fighting for diabetes one Halloween at a time.

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    Burns said:
    finger puppets and stickers.
    I'm fighting for diabetes one Halloween at a time.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    A hard and long Charleston Chew

  • full size candy bars

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    Sween said:
    Cosmo said:
    Got Whoppers, Almond Joy, Heath Bars and Reeses cups. Plus I'm dressed in my costume so the kids (and parents) are tripping out when I open the door. I totally fucked up last year on Halloween in my new building so I'm trying to make amends.

    nice one!
    i hope you do the voice and countdown while serving up the treats

    for me its reese's pieces, and peanut mnms as well as homemade peanutbutter caramel swirled brownie mini cubes!

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    Cosmo said:
    I totally fucked up last year on Halloween in my new building so I'm trying to make amends.
    Was it you who was hitting kids off with almost-expired Snackwells, or am I thinking of someone else?

    I had best-laid plans to greet trick-or-treaters at my door dressed as Prince Phillip Mitchell from the back cover of Make It Good--I had the suit sans shirt, the star-shaped rimless glasses, the calf-length oxblood stomps, the wristwatch like I just shanked an astronaut, et cetera--but the veneers fell through at the last minute, so I had to scrap the whole shit, and ended up pounding pavement with the young youths instead.

    The best thing they got was probably like some Almond Joys or something. The worst thing was either these bootleg Grape Heads called "Mr. Cool Grapes" (I don't know the exact provenance of these shits, but I'm getting faint Baltic vibes), or these Dum-Dums that an enterprising someone had wrapped in Kleenex and used a magic marker to give them eyes, trying to make them look like ghosts; the problem is that they 1) used way too much tissue and 2) used a brown marker, so instead of looking like ghosts, the suckers ended up looking like dental wadding spotted with dried blood. Narsty.

    Last year some dude on my block was giving out eco-friendly light bulbs. Fucking hippies.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    James you are fucking hilarious...

    Well we moved into our new home last August and it took a few months for us to get situated. Come Halloween we kind of decided to not partake in it because we were so occupied with home shit. Our Co-op is in a 16 story building, about 150 units in the building, in a complex of 3 buildings. So the protocol is to sign up at the front desk for the list of homes the kids knock on, get a sign to hang on the door, and you're off to the races. Not having done that I was just "lounging" on the sofa when there was a knock on the door. Obviously it was Lil' Witch and Lil' Boba Fett. The wife was working that night so I had no idea what to do. Scrambling, I grabbed the only thing that I had that i thought was suitable...

    I gave them packages of 2 year old stale Nutrasystem cookies that for some reason we decided to bring with us to the new house.

    So how did I fuck up and in the first few months of living in our new home become THAT HOUSE? You know, like the cribs that gave out apples or raisins, or pennies for Unicef. Just terrible. Cause as bad as those things are, they are not STALE DIET FOOD.

    To make matters worse, after realizing what I did I ran to the store and bought mad candy bars and came back home running all around the complex hoping to link with Boba & The Witch. So in one night I became "Lame Halloween House" and "Weird Dude Running Around The Building Looking To Give Candy To Kids."

    So yeah, Halloween was banging at my house this year. But I did NOT see Boba & The Witch.

  • ^lol that shit has me in tears.

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    Cosmo said:
    packages of 2 year old stale Nutrasystem cookies
    Aw yeah, that was it! Even better/worse than I remembered!

    that for some reason we decided to bring with us to the new house
    This is the realness right here. How does stuff like this happen? I have a can of Coco Lopez that's old enough that it doesn't even have a fucking barcode on it--why do we keep moving this shit?

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Hahah man...

    james said:
    why do we keep moving this shit?

    "Just in case" I think.

  • I've been in this apartment for 8 years and haven't had 1 trick or treater come to my door. Only Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    I am a candy junkie.
    We bought primarily corn syrup-based stuff and not enough chocolates. On the one hand, it keeps me from picking through the stash too often, but on the other I feel guilty handing out treats that I personally would not like in my own plastic pumpkin. We bought some Crispy Butterfingers which just don't measure up to the original, IMO.

    The treaters POUND on my door and startle me. They show up in packs of 10 at a time. Some of the baby treaters just stare at me and don't turn around until I give them a second candy. I've gotten 2 "reverse trick-or-treats" from the same mom: Twizzlers attached with ribbon to her business card. Too bad Twizzlers taste so plastic-y and don't pack the same punch as Red Vines.

    I thought I'd dress up today since I did for work, but didn't. I was a Dracula-inspired vampiress. I did the fake blood thang (red lip gloss) and wore the cape. No fangs, though, since the good ones were $19.99. Fuh that.

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts

    Hey, Sween.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Kids got nothing as I'd totally forgotten what day of the year it was. After I opened the door to the first knock and found what can only be described as a small army of children crying for their sugar fix I decided the best solution was to keep the door closed and plead ignorance.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    I had the dope Halloween package Pocky on hand, but no kids came by. I have never had one kid knock on my door on Halloween. I have lived in my building for about 8 years now. I think most kids in the Seattle area live out in the suburbs. I have only seen a few kids ever in my building. I am sure it would be different if I lived in a huge building on the East Coast someplace.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    Over here in Germany, Halloween is still a fairly new thing but has developed over the last 5 years. This year was actually the 1st time that I saw kids doing the trick or treat thing. American culture once again did take over. With Halloween it's alright in my book, but who needs Austrian Crunk music?

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    sticky_dojah said:
    but who needs Austrian Crunk music?

    Please put this person in jail for this! LOL. Terrible.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    james said:
    (I don't know the exact provenance of these shits, but I'm getting faint Baltic vibes)

    I love this.

  • lol @ Cosmo...ha ha ha ha ha, well i just moved into a house as well in July, decided we were going to hand out cnady for the first time, GF and i get all geared up to scare the crap out of kids, scary records playing strobelights flashing out into the neighborhood, the neighbor musta thought we were backed. we decided we were going to go all out on the candy, had all kinds of shit, candy i didnt even know existed, shit isnt like it used to be 25yrs ago...

    we had 15 kids come to the house all night long...FAIL! lol, it was like halloween didnt happen on my street..

    wasnt until 11:30 we realized the strobelight was still blitzing the neighborhood the record was just skipping dust and we ate most of the candy...lol wasnt feeling very up and up this morning when we both got up..

  • Options
    james said:

    Hey, Sween.

    Hey buddy.

    bootleg Grape Heads called "Mr. Cool Grapes" (I don't know the exact provenance of these shits, but I'm getting faint Baltic vibes)

    I just got back from Iceland, and was tripping out on the candy they have. Chocolate covered bananalumps, dried fish with sprinkles, and unidentifiable things that I assumed from the artwork would make me go really fast. I could have used up a memory card just in the convenience stores. Different artwork for the Honey Nut Cheerios too (I should have bought it and sold it to Biz Mark, but try explaining that to customs).
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