Legal Advice Strut

Garcia_VegaGarcia_Vega 2,428 Posts
edited October 2010 in Strut Central
Ugh, as some of you may know I have a telephone pole in my backyard that is slanted ,and I have been trying to get it removed for the last three years. The pole is owned by Verizon, but has a Time Warner Cable terminal box on it. At first Verizon told me they would remove it at my cost, I said no its not my pole I shouldn't have to pay for it. Then they said they would straighten it out, I said no that it had to be removed completely. In June this summer finally Verizon said they would remove it and put TWC's terminal box on my neighbor's wall if I could get a signed easement. One of the neighbors refused to have the termianl box on there (it was a whole big fight, long story), and since I was sick of the whole thing, I said they could keep the pole in my backyard if they just move it to the corner. Verizon's engineer said fine, and he drew up the plans. I signed an easment that states, the old pole will be removed and a new pole will be placed at the back of the backyard. This was in mid-August. Three weeks ago in a storm, my neighbor's vine fell in my backyard and the pole and its wires were holding it up. I called Verizon and got no response. My neighbor got rubbish removal people to get rid of it. Today my wife gets home and Verizon's people are in the backyard, no knock, no permission, nothing, they just jumped the back fence. They took out the old pole, and put in a new one in the same place as the old one! They took down the TWC terminal box, and said we have to call TWC to put their box back on. So basically they left it on the floor with all the wires hanging out everywhere. They also destroyed some floor tiles fixing the pole and told my wife they do not intend on fixing, nor reimbursing us for them. I'd hate to take Verizon on, but this is pissing me off to no end. Do I have any legal recourse here? Or am I fucked because I signed the easement?


  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,484 Posts
    mind you i aint no lawyer, but your inital legal agreement that you signed stated that the pole was to be moved not replaced, not only did they break the binding agreement that you had with them but they done messed up yo shit as well...i'd be on the phone all day til someone was out there...

    on top of the fact that i would be mad furious, like the furious 5ive...

  • jammyjammy remixing bongo rock... 813 Posts
    fuck that. everything points to wrong. kick up a fuss for sure!
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