Gil Scott-Heron's "New York Is Killing Me" video is killing me.

Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
edited September 2010 in Strut Central
A few weeks ago I was in NYC. My favorite part of the trip was walking around the city alone at 3am, hanging out amongst complete strangers in subway stations. I found it odd that I live in the quiet desert where the sky is so dark and clear that shooting stars are just like "hey look, another one" and the air is so calm that you can hear moths attempt to free themselves from lizard mouth, yet my thoughts were clearer and more inspired in that dark, shadowy, overpowering megalopolis than they have been in a long time. Funny how that works.

This song and more specifically, its' video treatment makes me wish I was wandering those streets again. The subway-, or rather, city-as-the-metronome is so beautiful and eerie and powerful and perfect. Much more so than the original version with Mos Def.

Directed by Chris Cunningham.

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