Best YouTube/video to mp3 converter?
I realize some of this YouTube audio is shoddy as heck, but what's best easy-to-use and preferably free program out there that works well enough? I'm looking to record audio clips that I can play at a gig.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
Hmmm...I tried that and it says "video seems to be offline" which is weird 'cause it's not.
I really wish I wasn't so stupid when it comes this relatively simple shit.
Am I doing this right?
Download tab > Links > Add Links > Add URL (it's already clipboarded into there) > Parse URL?
Every time I do that it says "1 module running" and the little blue bar loads but then it says "video seems to be offline" and after the blue bar loads completely it vanishes and nothing happens. It's done this with every YouTube link I've tried.
Sorry, Pundit. I really hate that I can't figure this out on my own.
what you described should work okay though.. maybe try updating jdownloader and restarting? not sure if the flashgot plugin is necessary but i have it installed too..