Trying to record audio off the web with Audition...

JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
edited September 2010 in Strut Central
Hope someone can help. I'm new to audition and I can't record some audio off the web that I want to fusk with. It's just some audio clips of interviews that I want to record using audition and for whatever reason my audition refuses to record anything other than my two line in's. Is there a setting to have it just record all sounds coming from my computer? It's Audition 3.0 if that helps.

Thanks Strut.


  • ^^ hey hey man, you've helped me before so i hope this helps you in return....

    You need to set the audio card mixer (software) to record "what you here" or "wave" in the recording tab of the mixer. Then any audio recording program "should" be able record it.

    from time to time i do the same thing, record audio live off the interwebs and i select the "record what you hear" box for my soundcard, but depending on which one you have you may be limited to the options it provides... it doesnt have to do with the application itself but the selection made for your soundcard...

    hope it helps man!

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    Thanks. Yeah I've made sure that part of my sound card is enabled. It's apparently an issue with a "feature" of windows 7. I guess they are trying to prevent ripping shit off the web. Still looking for a work around.

  • damn....sounds like shit!

    i use an audiophile2496 now, but a year ago i had an old soundblaster audigy and didnt have issue with this function, my take on it is if it worked in Vista, most of the time it "should" be compatable on Win7, i have been using Win 7 for about 2 years now and havent had any issue using this function, with my old or current card..i use cool edit for capturing audio from the netz...i just recorded an hour of audio from the NASA channel only a month or so ago...

    gotta be a work around for you dude...

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    Work around = dling audacity. For some reason that app did it no prob.

  • this is my shit for recording stuff off the internet:

    it can auto-split tracks, so if you're streaming an entire album it can separate each individual track on its own--no post-editing needed.

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