Pls2b recommendful of more stuff just like this...

JimsterJimster 6,911 Posts
edited September 2010 in Strut Central



  • I'll have to dig through the mind garden to help out on more stuff like 4 n More, but for the time being I have to say that recommendful is my new favorite word. It just topped unregardful, a term to replace/mock irregardless.

  • Miles Davis- Milestones is somewhat in the same vein just a different band entirely. Pretty much any of the quintet albums are gonna get this hot at points. Some of Freddie Hubbard's stuff can get this much heat too depending on the song, try "Here to Stay" album. You might also try some Art Blakey- Mosaic. Hope this helps! Let me know if this is what you were going for.

  • JimsterJimster 6,911 Posts
    Thanks for that "Here to Stay" shout, I had the others.

    Yes indeed.

    These people are playing this music in the correct fashion.
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