
But Southern Conservatives Aren't Racists. Honest. No Way.

edited August 2010 in Strut Central

Meanwhile the Adolf Hitler High School idea isn't getting off the ground anywhere. Why the double standard, teabaggers?


  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    racist dixiecrats can suck it.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Perfect opportunity to change the name to Sen. Robert Byrd High School

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    I mean really. You don't notice the conspicuous absence of the word "republican" in this "news" item. Does Yglesias think that by referring to "conservatives" everyone will just think republican and not notice? Maybe with his readers. And, didn't the same guy already file and lose a lawsuit regarding this HS? Oh, and where does the tea-party enter into all this?

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    sabadabada said:
    Oh, and where does the tea-party enter into all this?

    the tea baggers are probably saying "who is Nathan Bedford Forest?" then they say "Obama's a socialist!" immediately after asking the question...

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    sabadabada said:
    Oh, and where does the tea-party enter into all this?

    the tea baggers are probably saying "who is Nathan Bedford Forest?" then they say "Obama's a socialist!" immediately after asking the question...

    Did you ever suspect that you may be projecting when you start to think you can anticipate what others are going to say and do?

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    sabadabada said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    sabadabada said:
    Oh, and where does the tea-party enter into all this?

    the tea baggers are probably saying "who is Nathan Bedford Forest?" then they say "Obama's a socialist!" immediately after asking the question...

    Did you ever suspect that you may be projecting when you start to think you can anticipate what others are going to say and do?

    Sorry, I dont take the baggers seriously AT ALL...so I feel no reason not to make fun of them...then again, making fun of the baggers is like booing at the special olympics...so I guess I am wasting precious keystroke energy.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    so I guess I am wasting precious keystroke energy.

    that you could spend jerking off. I understand.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Perfect opportunity to change the name to Sen. Robert Byrd High School

    Nathaniel Bedford Forrest-founder of the Klan and butcherer of captured soldiers
    Robert Byrd-one time member of the Klan that expressed regret for being a member and later supported civil rights measures.

    They're not even comparable.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    The_Non said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Perfect opportunity to change the name to Sen. Robert Byrd High School

    Nathaniel Bedford Forrest-founder of the Klan and butcherer of captured soldiers
    Robert Byrd-one time member of the Klan that expressed regret for being a member and later supported civil rights measures.

    They're not even comparable.

    of course not. but according to the prevailing logic here, Byrd probably would have been a founding member had he lived during that period and Byrd probably didn't really have any feelings of regret. But making fun of an old dead fart like Byrd is like making fun of retards so I don't want to waste any of my stroke-energy on it.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    fugg it...delete

  • Fred_GarvinFred_Garvin The land of wind and ghosts 337 Posts
    Not understanding some of the responses here. The only mention of conservatives in the linked article is:

    "Southern-based conservative politicians frequently campaign in the contested midwest and southwest areas with appeals to shared dislike of coastal liberalism"

    Which is true. Not to say all of them do, but it certainly is done. But that really doesn't have much to do with the fact that giving a school that name, and continually voting to keep it, is a bad look for everyone involved in those decisions. However, it is their right to keep doing it, and in the meantime, it will serve as a reminder of the prevailing mindset of that particular community... which could in some cases be a useful warning sign for anyone thinking about moving there.

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    "Forrest High got its name in 1959, when the Daughters of the Confederacy, angry about the Supreme Court???s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision forcing school integration, pushed for the name."


    "The school board voted 5-2 to keep the name, with all five white members in favor of Forrest. Of course lots of things in the United States are named after people with a bad record on racial issues, but not only is Forrest an unusually egregious case in this instance it???s clear from the timing that the school was given that name specifically as an f-you to blacks and supporters of racial equality. "

    Point being that the Civil War has never really ended in this country.

    I wonder what the sports teams' nicknames at this high school are. The NB Forrest Nightriders? The NB Forrest Lynchers?

    Stay classy, teabaggers!

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    PelvicDust said:
    Stay classy, teabaggers!

    "Uninteded Irony" award winning post of the day. :lol:

    Hey "Pelvic Dust", here's some more "raaaaaaaaaaaaaacism" for ya': http://www.gallup.com/poll/113980/Gallup-Daily-Obama-Job-Approval.aspx

  • Fred_GarvinFred_Garvin The land of wind and ghosts 337 Posts
    lamprey eel said:

    Hey "Pelvic Dust", here's some more "raaaaaaaaaaaaaacism" for ya': http://www.gallup.com/poll/113980/Gallup-Daily-Obama-Job-Approval.aspx
    And that has what to do with the topic in question?

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    Fred_Garvin said:
    lamprey eel said:

    Hey "Pelvic Dust", here's some more "raaaaaaaaaaaaaacism" for ya': http://www.gallup.com/poll/113980/Gallup-Daily-Obama-Job-Approval.aspx
    And that has what to do with the topic in question?

    It has about as much to do with the topic in question as the mention of Tea Party participants does.

  • Fred_GarvinFred_Garvin The land of wind and ghosts 337 Posts
    lamprey eel said:
    Fred_Garvin said:
    lamprey eel said:

    Hey "Pelvic Dust", here's some more "raaaaaaaaaaaaaacism" for ya': http://www.gallup.com/poll/113980/Gallup-Daily-Obama-Job-Approval.aspx
    And that has what to do with the topic in question?

    It has about as much to do with the topic in question as the mention of Tea Party participants does.

    I'd agree with that, unless it's the case that the people voting to keep this name alive are themselves Tea Party participants, which isn't confirmed one way or the other, as far as I know.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    The man's shameful past is well-documented, but I must note that N.B. Forrest is nonetheless a folk hero to millions of Southerners. Simply, put, he is their Che Guevara. You have to experience the culture first-hand in order to appreciate the concurrent levels of vestigal pride, denial, self-attrition and Gooble-Gobble-ism at play here.

    Fables Of The Reconstruction/Reconstruction Of The Fables, indeed.

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    luck said:
    The man's shameful past is well-documented, but I most note that N.B. Forrest is nonetheless a folk hero to millions of Southerners.

    Hell, people in Washington don't feel that way about Ted Bundy. What's wrong with those particular Southerners?

    (I semi-apologize to any potential relatives here of Bundy's for suggesting that Bundy was as vile as Forrest. Bundy was one evil bastard but Forrest was one HISTORICALLY evil bastard.)

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    I agree with the sentiment that this incident has little to do with politics. There are plenty of valid reasons to be irked at the current tenor of American discourse without tarring what are literally millions of people (here, Southerners) with the same brush. At some point, the circles might be found to overlap in some Venn diagram from Hell, but let's keep some sense of perspective. These are real people you're talking about.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    Again, Southern culture is not just as simple as we Yankees often try to paint it. The Civil War runs deep, man.

    None of this is written in the interest of defending a man who propagated atrocities, mind you.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    And really, Yglesias should know better than to try and make this a Lefty "Ground Zero Mosque" moment. Shame on him for attempting to prolong the cycle - with a racial subtext, no less.

    Ending up blind and toothless, over here.

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    luck said:
    And really, Yglesias should know better than to try and make this a Lefty "Ground Zero Mosque" moment. Shame on him for attempting to prolong the cycle - with a racial subtext, no less.

    I guess you're right. We should all just ignore such things when they happen and maybe they'll just go away.

    In the year 2525.

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    Ted Nugent is still an asshole.


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    PelvicDust said:
    Ted Nugent is still an asshole.


    Typically awful and useless Media Splatters "journalism." The article focuses on a (bogus) statement Nugent was alleged to have made, then backtracks (though not before smearing Nugent with the implication that he shares the same views as some white supremicists because he happens to have appeared on the same radio program that these supremacists have appered on, at different times and NOT together with) when another concert attendee contradicts the original allegation by stating that he said something else entirely different.

    Can we find an audiotape of some sort (or even several other "attendees" of this concert who are not members of Acorn or the SEIU that would back-up having heard the supposed original statement) that captures this supposed verbal offense? The answer is no.

    I don't believe for one second that Ted Nugent made that statement that is claimed at the beginning of that article. I do believe that he would have made a statement (ie: sarcastic and making a point to lampoon the type of accusations and agenda that Media Matters traffics in) that is line with what was claimed toward the end of the article.

    Ted Nugent is a great man and shreds some seriously wicked six-string action. Deal with it!

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    Ted Nugent fans say the darndest things:


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    PelvicDust said:
    Ted Nugent fans say the darndest things:


    It ain't Ted sayin' it. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some of these Stormfront posters who sing the praises of the Lazy Cowgirls and Yo La Tengo, too.

    Do you still own any Elvis Costello records? Do the right thing and throw them all in the trash (I remember what he said about Ray Charles.)

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Hey lamprey, did you join soulstrut just to defend racists, or do you also like records, rap music or The Wire? Inquiring minds...

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    I've heard Ted talk about "the blacks" live ...when opened for Kiss a while back...Ted is an asshole.

  • Options
    Unherd said:
    Hey lamprey, did you join soulstrut just to defend racists, or do you also like records, rap music or The Wire? Inquiring minds...

    Look, (the topic of) Ted Nugent was somehow brought into this thread and he was smeared in a Media Matters (a truly loathsome and unscrupulous Lefty propoganda site) article that attributed a quote to him that I think is clearly 100% bogus (there is certainly no audio document presented of him speaking that quote that was attributed to him, and the so-called testimony of one person who claims to have heard it is nothing but hearsay, not credible evidence.)

    One can dislike or even hate Ted Nugent for whatever reason one so chooses, but attempting to smear him with some made up sh*t (and making sh*t up about him, or anyone else) is just flat out wrong.

    Now, to answer the questions that you have posed to me...

    Unherd said:
    Hey lamprey, did you join soulstrut just to defend racists...


    Unherd said:
    ...or do you also like records, rap music or The Wire?


  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
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