Cali Swag District samples Michael Jackson
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CSD tells TMZ they went through all the proper steps to obtain clearance to sample MJ???s 1972 hit ???I Wanna Be Where You Are??? ??? for their new song, ???Where You Are.???
I thought it would be complete garbage but I like it.
Murs "Can It Be" Official Video
murs | MySpace Music Videos
Yeah but who wants to hear Murs when you can listen to CSD. Cmon, son!
Ha ha! Ooooooookay, my friend...
Yupp, and I picked that song for a mix back in December before anybody knew about em. That's what i do. Taste make. I'm a street A&R. Problem is I'm broke so the jokes on me.
Feel Mah Dougie -??DaSkreetzKast 0002 by daskreetzkast
It wasn't really a story. Just a lead in to CSD being on TMZ live today. I just posted it to drive traffic to my blog and because that's what my target demo, LA youth, are into. I like the song too. I wouldn't buy it but it was cool in that Bob kinda way. I'll probably never listen to it again. Teach me how to dougie is way better but it's been played for a minute. I'm glad it's getting love in the South though.