Low Budget / DC et al Appreciation

staxwaxstaxwax 1,474 Posts
edited August 2010 in Strut Central
Oddissee n 'em have been killing it for the past few Decembers.
By now the crew has several albums under their collective belts and more than a few bangers out.
Call it underground as in not mainstream - the sound and vibe are quite specific - strongly rooted in a golden age sound, but definitely reaching beyond that classification.
I know there's a few washington heads on here who might care to share their opinion of / shed light on this whole DC etcetera movement - of course the Diamond District is considered a recent favorite by many.

De La Soul Are Diamond District Fans

Diamond District recently performed at the Brooklyn Hip Hop festival. The headliners of the event we De La Soul. BrooklynBodega caught up with the legendary group after their performance. Here's what they had to say about Diamond District

BB: You have so many fans all over the place. (...) Are there any new artists that you???re feeling? Are there any younger cats that you like and how do you feel about the way Hip-Hop is right now?

Pos: Overall, creativity is definitely lacking. But there???s always good groups, man. There???s always new things that I can hear. There???s new things that I hear from the South. It can be a rhyme that Jeezy said [and I???m like] ???Whoa!???. There are things that Lil Wayne says, there???s always things that I hear that I think sounds dope. One of the groups that I???ve been stuck on for a minute ??? I???ve known Oddisee for the longest ??? but his project Diamond District, I???m stuck on them n*****. I love Diamond District. I play that shit every day???

BB: You missed them. They rocked earlier today.
Pos: I know. Religiously, I rock with them. I mess with them.

I present the case of the Low Budget Crew and affiliated acts.

Here a smidgen of associated tracks.

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