Robots Invade New York City

DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
edited July 2010 in Strut Central
If anybody fancies spreading a little joy, take a look at this. A friend of a friend is behind the project, and his girlfriend works at the domestic violence shelter mentioned in the blurb.

ROBOTS>>>> is an artist collective from London which uses reclaimed wood, discarded furniture and trash to build site-specific giant robots. We have an opportunity to build mini-versions of our creatures with a group of children living in a New York shelter for families who have escaped domestic violence, paint a large accompanying mural in their playspace, and film the process in a documentary led by the kids. While we're in the city, we will transform the roof of a Brooklyn venue with one of our giant installations - and hopefully find other neglected public spaces ripe for surprising additions. But???we need funds to do it!

The first part of the project will take place at a large transitional shelter run by New York's leading domestic violence charity. The shelter houses families who have escaped situations of domestic violence, who are not yet able to live independently because of the severity of the abuse they have experienced, the continued threat of violence, and/or a lack of safe, permanent housing. Through July and August the shelter staff run a summer camp for the kids living there.

ROBOTS>>>> has been invited to come to the camp and work with the kids in workshops where they will build their own robots out of found materials. They will learn about imaginative and technical design, technology in everyday life, recycling and possibly basic carpentry, depending on their age. They will also design and help paint a large graffiti mural in their playspace, featuring their robots ??? and direct a film documenting the process.

These are kids who have undergone serious trauma, and previously had little control over their lives or living spaces. The shelter staff believe this will be a really empowering experience for them - as well as a lot of fun. So we???re appealing to the Kickstarter community to make it happen.

Alongside this project, we will design and build a giant robot on the roof of a Brooklyn venue. We will create it using discarded materials found around the city ??? wooden pallets, hubcaps, furniture??? our design will be informed by what we find. The sculpture will meld and interact with its environment in a fun and unusual way, and aim to reignite a sense of play in its audience. It could be big enough to climb inside, or function as an exhibition space in its own right.

The more money we raise, the more we'll create. We'd like to install our sculptures at other derelict sites, bringing unexpected and thought-provoking public art to otherwise neglected areas.

Most of our materials will be cost nothing, and we have a van we can borrow to scout and pick up trash. What your money will pay for is transportation, gas, and any materials we have to buy ??? paint for the mural, brackets, screws etc.

At the heart of the project is the intention to create public art that fully engages its audience and its surroundings with a strong positive message about responsibility and environment. Help ROBOTS>>>> invade!

Project location: New York, NY


  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    sabadabada said:

  • ayresayres 1,452 Posts
    that first picture is the Laputa robot from the roof of the Ghibli Museum in Tokyo. it's from the movie Castle in the Sky. I'd be shocked if it was made by the same people who build these found wood robots.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    ayres said:
    that first picture is the Laputa robot from the roof of the Ghibli Museum in Tokyo. it's from the movie Castle in the Sky. I'd be shocked if it was made by the same people who build these found wood robots.

    My apologies - I borrowed it from the collective's Facebook page without checking the provenance of it first, although it did occur to me that there were major stylistic differences between that and the others. Turns out that photo was added by someone not directly involved with the group.

    Either way, I think the project itself is a thoroughly noble enterprise, and I hope it comes off.

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
    I support wooden robots.
    They seem much less likely than metal robots to revolt and enslave humanity.
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