Doc on the BP Oil Spill

meistromocomeistromoco 953 Posts
edited July 2010 in Strut Central
A friend of mine is working on a documentary on the BP oil spill in the gulf.

Check out a trailer here:

He is trying to raise a bit of money on kickstarter to continue working on it -- it is looking good so far. He has talked to a lot of fishermen and others directly affected by this disaster.

If you are not familiar, kickstarter is a website that facilitates donations. If you don't reach your goal (in this case, $5,000) in the time frame, all the money is returned to the donors. Anyhow, they are close to their goal and would def appreciate support if you can give it.


  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    There is no oil spill. That's why the press isn't allowed near the purported spill zone. The government is just using this as cover to keep people away from the crash site of an alien spaceship.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
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