nikon d70/d50 users?

AserAser 2,351 Posts
edited August 2005 in Strut Central
Any dudes here own either of the two? I'm considering taking the plunge, probably getting body kit only and using some of my old nikkor lenses. Digital slr's are getting to be like computers, their avg lifespan is so is moving too fast.



  • ive never actually used one of these higher end digital cameras, but i know a dude that drops cash on these things every year to upgrade. personally, i dont like them. the images are too crisp, if that makes any sense. another dude i know that uses these nikons always always has one of those diffuse box flashes to soften everything. those pictures look much better but he has to walk around with this giant light thingy all the time.

    i say stick to the regular film format. but that's just me. or those much cheaper digital cameras are fine too.

  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts
    I was gonna take this plunge myself, but like shig said, I don't know if I want that crispness in my life right now. I like surface noise and tape delays. Love the immediacy of digital photography though. No need for a darkroom (I don't have one), and you can always dirty up something that's clean. It's harder to clean something that's dirty.

    Ballers like yourself should purchase a D70 for capturing life and its adventures. But you should buy a large format film joun for all those gallery exhibits you're going to be doing inside your private mind garden.

    Cheap compressed digital is for chumps.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    I do have a nikon f4, so the film needs are covered. Basically I wanted a digital slr to experiment fully w/o worrying about film cost. Plus I'm sick of point and shoot digitals handcuffing me from taking great shots.

    more first hand usage accounts prease....

  • gibla74gibla74 182 Posts
    Been looking into this myself recently although I'd probably go with Canon Eos as I've already got the Eos 3 so can swap lenses etc.
    I think it depends what your using it for, I understand that you want the conveniance of digital with out the lack of quality & limitations of the point & shoot variety however I think these cameras may be more suited to commercial photographers.
    I know a pro ( ) who uses Film for his serious work - 35m & medium format (& also lomo's etc for personal work) but uses digital for events photography & alot of his bread & butter commercial work. It's also good for when the client needs to have the images immediately or live music/club shots where results can be unpredictable.

    I think the point I'm trying to make is that they're very expensive & quick to be out dated so unless you have a commercial use for them you would probably get more satisfying results from a decent film camera.

    having said that I'm still getting one as soon as I can afford it!
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