misc. finds...; ivy peebles on paula

edited July 2010 in Strut Central
recently out in nyc (from jersey) & found white label promo by ivy peebles on paula; since you've been gone/ nothing but your shadow, some rock sh*t amongst montclairs, bobby dixon & edward bear amonst a big stack. anyone familiar with the paula 45? holla at me... I'll post pix soon.


  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    yep, i've had this, did nothing for me, couldn't sell it, ended up tossing it, underwhelming.

  • what? see, i make beats & i dj plus i just don't limit myself to just funk and soul. i kinda feel you in the sense that if you're lookin for somethin beat or break heavy that it's definitely NOT it, but for real it's not that bad. since you've been gone is actually the better of the two, starts out mellow & ends hard with lil one second break at the end which is what had me sold. I'm on fryer mantis forum & funky16corners.com a resident dj of asbury park 45 sessions; did some inquiries & no one's heard of it; the artist? yes, but that particular 45? no, which has a lil mystery surrounding it and has me intruigued. maybe she's just one of those artists who never put out any lps and just a couple singles. pretty sad if you ask me. she's prog folk rock with an edge, AND she's on an indie which makes it even more interesting. i don't know, it's not the best 45 I've ever found but to me it's listenable & I've played it out at my sets, kinda when the doors just open & i wanna warm things up... glad you responded, lemme know about you & any type crazy finds you might come across, I'm into the left field type sh*t lol, as long as it's got some kinda grit to it.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    i saw the post on fryers forum. i don't know how this is really that mysterious, Ivy Peebles was a chick, who released two 45s only on Paula (a pretty largeish indie label), 45 collecting has thousands of artists like this. It probably is sad that she didn't release anything else, but as a person who collects R&B 45s it just didn't do it for me. I remember that when I looked to sell my copy a couple of years back that Records By Mail had stock on both her 45s for pretty cheap, not common, but not rare & expensive either. The fact that they no longer have them means there must be copies in circulation. I'm glad you like it though & that it's your thing, if I'd known you 2 years earlier I would have saved my copy for you ;-)

  • yea true i usually go for the more hard hitting rock, but every now & then it's the subtle stuff that does it for me. got a good amount of stufff on paula ( john fred & his playboys, montclairs isaac redd holt amongst others), but I've never heard of her before i bought it. on fryer mantis a dude put me on to another 45 of hers which was pretty decent. I'm always interested in discovering obscure undiscovered gems. I'm kinda on the hunt for a 45 by the Hassles, four o'clock in the morning. I've got the lp & sampled it for my lp I'm working on, but really want the 7', more so to play out since when i dj out i keep the lp's at home. but yeah i thought it was pretty good, nothing for me to go crazy over still good nonetheless. that's what makes us djs/ producers/ collectors unique, one man's trash is another man's treasure lol. funk soul & jazz is my forte but I'm heavy into fusion prog & folk rock. been playing pentangle heavy lately.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

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