Record Cases
300 Posts
Anyone know a good on-line spot or NYC spot to buy record cases. I'm not looking for the standard metallic ones.Thanks.
Just not into those bulky, silver ones.
Any help would be appreciated.
I see these cases at antique shops and used record stores (in Toronto).Folks who buy collections must see them now and then. Check second-hand clothing/furniture stores, too. Not everyone would necessarily put these out on the floor - if there are places you frequent/have a good relationship with the owner, you could ask them if they've got anything or to keep an eye out for you next buying trip.
What happend did someone get shot while holding that case?
or did you the shoot someone to get it?
you know what? i've seen other cases with marks like that... i always thought it was spilled drinks or something...
I do not like being taunted like this. Je suis jaloux.