peter jennings rip

youngEINSTEINyoungEINSTEIN 2,443 Posts
edited August 2005 in Strut Central
dont know if its been mentioned. cool out on the cigg's people. i've quit for 9 weeks now. peace, stein.


  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    mad respect. rip.

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    cool out on the cigg's people. i've quit for 9 weeks now.

    I havn't had a cig in a little over 2 years. Its a constant battle though. I still find myself craving them on the regular. It's real fucking hard to quit.

    RIP Jennings

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    cool out on the cigg's people. peace, stein.
    I need to man, but the shit keeps calling me. I stopped for 3 months but started back up on the 4th of July . Cigarettes suck.

  • Its a constant battle
    I AGREE 100%. cigarettes was my motivation for EVERYTHING. if i just finish this i can have one etc. etc. 40X's a day. i havent found a substitute yet. and non smokers are clueless. peace, stein. . .

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    Its a constant battle
    I AGREE 100%. cigarettes was my motivation for EVERYTHING. if i just finish this i can have one etc. etc. 40X's a day. i havent found a substitute yet. and non smokers are clueless. peace, stein. . .

    I think the only reason that I have made it this long is that I fear my girlfriends wrath. We quit at the same time and I will get no booty and most likly a black eye if i fall off the wagon. Its a healthy fear.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    cool out on the cigg's people. peace, stein.
    I need to man, but the shit keeps calling me. I stopped for 3 months but started back up on the 4th of July
    . Cigarettes suck.
    crazy... last 4th (2004) my kid caught me smoking and i quit that day. i've have a few drags since then, when hammered, but nada. i've quit other things that were supposed to be harder, but they're not in your face like cigarettes. word up. sad about peter jennings though, he seemed like a nice guy.

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts
    how he died aside, peter jennings was the only dude i could stand to watch during the immediate post 9/11 newscasts. he was calm and collected. rip.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    i havent found a substitute yet.
    Whatever you do, don't drink alcohol. I don't know if you do or not but that shit triggered me to start smoking again. Try exercise. You ain't gotta get your Bill Blanks on but you can do something simple like walking, jogging or playing ball. Or you can continue to indulge in Popeye's (just watch for calories, fat and cholestorol).
    Its a constant battle
    No doubt. It takes the average smoker a minimum of 7 attempts before they can finally quit. I'm on attempt number 3.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    how he died aside, peter jennings was the only dude i could stand to watch during the immediate post 9/11 newscasts. he was calm and collected. rip.

    Word, I grew up actually Idolizing Peter Jenings. I can't quite explain why except he just seemed to be very intelligent and cool.

    I had no idea he was suffering through cancer which only adds to the admiration I have for him in performing his job.

    Rest in Peace

  • VagabondVagabond 417 Posts
    From personal experience, you can kick that habit; but the temptation will always be right there. I quit 10+ years ago and I have had about four short-term (month-month and a half) relapses in that time. I saw a interview with Jennings after he announced his cancer,. He quit twnty years ago; but had a relapse during the aftermath of 9-11. It is to quit smoking; but keep on trying till you succeed. It is one of the best gifts you will ever be able to give yourself. What I did was try to substitute a postitive habit for a negative one. I drank a cup of herbal tea everytime I wanted a cigarette. It worked for me.

  • how he died aside, peter jennings was the only dude i could stand to watch during the immediate post 9/11 newscasts. he was calm and collected. rip.

    Word, I grew up actually Idolizing Peter Jenings. I can't quite explain why except he just seemed to be very intelligent and cool.

    I had no idea he was suffering through cancer which only adds to the admiration I have for him in performing his job.

    Rest in Peace

    He only announced it 4 months ago, but he continued to work up till the last day...

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I drank a cup of herbal tea everytime I wanted a cigarette. It worked for me.
    i would need some of these if i did that.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    i quit smoking (cigarettes) over 5 years ago. i tried several times, but i wasnt successfull until a few things came together...

    1. i started training with my college's tour team (road racing) and they had me to the edge of my lung capacity every other day. i remember vomiting a couple times. this highly motivated me to improve my endurance and my image with my fellow teamates.

    2. I stopped buying packs. if i was out drinking w/ friends, i'd buy singles off of them. cold turkey never worked, but if you slowly lower you body's nicotine levels. it makes it easier to stop alltogether.

    3. I didnt tell anyone. I cant stress this enough. dont tell anyone you quit. just do it. every time you tell someone, you're passing a little bit of your burden off. hold on to it. do it for yourself and for no one else. if someone offers you a cigarette, tell em you dont feel like it, but dont tell them you quit.

    4. if you really want to smoke, get a cigar. you dont inhale it, and it's about all the nicotine you'll need for a couple days. fuck a patch.

    hope this will help steinster. do it for dolo.

  • >>>He only announced it 4 months ago, but he continued to work up till the last day...

    actually, he never worked another day after making the announcement that he had cancer on tv in april.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    I used to smoke 1.5 packs a day... I started in 2000 (MAD LATE).... then in 2002 I woke up one morning, felt really sick, got paranoid I had lung cancer, flushed my cigarettes down the toilet, didn't smoke again... cold turkey.

    Come Januray this year, my mate was visiting from Australia... it was snowing and cold, so I had one, then another, then another.. next thing you know I was on a pack a day, smoking one in between evrey class...

    After 2 months, I gave up... haven't and won't touch them again... I was still coughing up crap from my lungs a month after, fuck ciggs for real, they'll kill you.

    Good work on givin' up Young E + everyone else.

    R.I.P. Peter Jennings


  • >>>He only announced it 4 months ago, but he continued to work up till the last day...

    actually, he never worked another day after making the announcement that he had cancer on tv in april.

    really i guess CNN was lying then ... were you boys with Jennings or something?

    bc just because he wasn't on air doesn't mean he didn't work.

  • good point. i just meant he never appeared on tv again.


  • word.. no doubt about it... dude was remarkable

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    I thought he would be the last to go of the big 3 since he looked much younger than his age. After watching this video montage, you realize how passionate he was about his job. Imagine living his life, experiencing everything those eyes have seen. Truly mind boggling....

    he'll be missed by me, a man I respect w/ all my heart.

  • dont know if its been mentioned. cool out on the cigg's people. i've quit for 9 weeks now. peace, stein.

    i'm on two weeks + 3 days.

    hard as fuck, all i think about.

    RIP Jennings was dude.


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts

    he'll be missed by me, a man I respect w/ all my heart.

    Another fine Canadian. Eventhough I was kinda sad when he took American citizenship. But I guess those are the things you gotta do...

  • asparagusasparagus Northampton, MA 333 Posts
    quit nearly 2 years ago...

    using nicotine gum and long term moderation. I got myself down to one cig per day for about two months before I actually quit. man, those single smokes were @ sunset on the rooftop in BK, was nice. then I quit, and haven't smoke one, or even taken a drag since.

    RIP to PJ, who was a high school dropout, but that didnt stop him.
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