Strut-Nip: Youth punched by Officer

yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
edited June 2010 in Strut Central


  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    LOL!!!!!!!! That was here in Seatown. Those kids are from Franklin High School. Dumb kids. SPD will punch you in a second! Look out!!!!

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    damn you guys don't fuck around about jaywalking out west, huh?

    out here nobody gives a schitt about that - the thought of being stopped by a cop for jaywalking is laughable. most people out here would probably react the same way. you would think cops have bigger things to worry about than some teenage girls crossing the street outside the crosswalk ... smh.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    Here is what really happened, kids were jaywalking RIGHT IN FRONT of a cop, even though there was a pedestrian overpass right there. The cop went to issue the kids a citation and those two girls started fighting with the cop.........

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    OMG JAYWALKING?!?!11!?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    SoulOnIce said:
    OMG JAYWALKING?!?!11!?

    Rule #1 about visiting Seattle: jaywalking is no fucking joke there. I've had this told to me by everyone single person I've ever met there.

  • BeatnicholasBeatnicholas 1,005 Posts
    "One officer kicked the Latino man while he was lying on the sidewalk and shouted, "I'm going to beat the [expletive] Mexican piss out of you, homey. You feel me?" Officers later let the man go after realizing he was the wrong person."

  • tecatetecate 73 Posts
    Big_Chan said:
    LOL!!!!!!!! That was here in Seatown. Those kids are from Franklin High School. Dumb kids. SPD will punch you in a second! Look out!!!!

    I don't see what the LOL is about here? That's horrific behavior by Seattle Pigs. That's funny? Wow.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    "One officer kicked the Latino man while he was lying on the sidewalk and shouted, "I'm going to beat the [expletive] Mexican piss out of you, homey. You feel me?" Officers later let the man go after realizing he was the wrong person."

    Hahahaaaaa, only in [strike]America[/strike]... no, wait a minute, does that kind of thing happen in England now?


  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    tecate said:
    Big_Chan said:
    LOL!!!!!!!! That was here in Seatown. Those kids are from Franklin High School. Dumb kids. SPD will punch you in a second! Look out!!!!

    I don't see what the LOL is about here? That's horrific behavior by Seattle Pigs. That's funny? Wow.

    I agree that it is not funny that the Seattle Police officer hit a high school kid. The "LOL" was more of a "Wow, here we go again." The Seattle Police department has had a number of high profile abuse issues such as this.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts


  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I recall the number one cause of the death in DC for a number of years was pedestrians being hit by cars. Let's assume half of those were the car's fault. Still, everyone does their part and people live. As far as I'm concerned--at least in the city--jaywalking is the same as running a red light and should have the same fine.

    Richmond is ridiculous. People walk out into the street in the middle of the block, or at the crosswalk when it says don't walk and don't even look up. Not texting or anything. Just walking out into middle of the street and then they might look up if you honk. And then they tell you to fuck off. I've seriously almost plowed over several people because of this. Old young, white, black--everyone.

    At the same time there is no excuse for that kind of brutality--even though it was clearly provoked by those kids.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    As long as the law is evenly enforced on motorists as well, I'm cool. Talmbout pulling over dudes and smacking the shit out of them for not coming to a complete stop before turning on red. Administering beatdowns for stopping in the crosswalk. Stomping dudes out for not using their turn signals. That's what's up.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Where do people get the idea that they can grapple with a uniformed police officer and NOT get a beatdown??

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Where do people get the idea that they can grapple with a uniformed police officer and NOT get a beatdown??

    That officer never shoulda came out of that circle of kids alive.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    When I lived in Seattle in the summer of '98, it was a HUGE DEAL to blow through one of those "Yield to Pedestrian, It's The Law" signs (which are EVERYWHERE).

    We have one in front of my office here in PA and I'm standing there for like 5 minutes trying to cross as cars blow right past them shits.

    I also agree that Jaywalking is a problem. I go down to Philly and heads like jump in front of you taking their sweet candy ass time. It's dangerous and people should be cited. Now resisting arrest and picking a fight with a cop is stupid. I would have tased her ass.

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    granted you probably shouldn't punch someone in the face. but she DID "assault" the cop and the other one resisted arrest for at least 3 minutes...

    i think this video is funny based on the fact it took this cop 3 minutes to restrain the girl. dude maybe you shouldn't be a cop if you can't handle yourself

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Fatback said:
    jaywalking is the same as running a red light and should have the same fine.

    This doesn't make sense: in running a red light, it's the car wielding the deadly force. When a pedestrian jaywalks, it's STILL the car that wields the deadly force. The onus of responsibility is ultimately on the deadlier force in both cases, regardless of who is committing the traffic-related violation.

    Slate tackled this very topic last year:

    Their conclusion?

    "A number of studies have documented that media coverage of traffic crashes is selective, framed in certain predictable ways, and often misrepresents the true frequency or nature of actual risk. Jaywalking makes better copy for columnists than actually probing the complex nature of traffic safety."

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Crosswalk yellow flashing lights set higher than traffic lights don't do shit in the middle of the day and pedestrians need to make themselves visible and wait for cars to see them and stop before they lunge out; both drivers and pedestrians got to pay attention to make it work.
    But let me tell you, if I was running things, there would be teeth in the road. As soon as someone hits that button to cross, the teeth come up. If the driver doesn't heed, time to call the tow truck.

  • BeatnicholasBeatnicholas 1,005 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:
    As long as the law is evenly enforced on motorists as well, I'm cool. Talmbout pulling over dudes and smacking the shit out of them for not coming to a complete stop before turning on red. Administering beatdowns for stopping in the crosswalk. Stomping dudes out for not using their turn signals. That's what's up.

    concur. wheres judge dread when you need him.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    mannybolone said:
    Fatback said:
    jaywalking is the same as running a red light and should have the same fine.

    This doesn't make sense: in running a red light, it's the car wielding the deadly force. When a pedestrian jaywalks, it's STILL the car that wields the deadly force. The onus of responsibility is ultimately on the deadlier force in both cases, regardless of who is committing the traffic-related violation.

    Let me get this straight. If I'm about to drive through an intersection (green light, at 35 mph speed limit) and someone walks out into the crosswalk ignoring the don't walk sign and they are hit by me. It is my responsibility?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Fatback said:
    mannybolone said:
    Fatback said:
    jaywalking is the same as running a red light and should have the same fine.

    This doesn't make sense: in running a red light, it's the car wielding the deadly force. When a pedestrian jaywalks, it's STILL the car that wields the deadly force. The onus of responsibility is ultimately on the deadlier force in both cases, regardless of who is committing the traffic-related violation.

    Let me get this straight. If I'm about to drive through an intersection (green light, at 35 mph speed limit) and someone walks out into the crosswalk ignoring the don't walk sign and they are hit by me. It is my responsibility?

    Accountability is all about who has the most power....your car could kill this poor dude crossing the street so YOU have to be accountable, not him.....and besides, cars are bougie and support the drilling of oil....if you would walk instead of drive that death machine of yours this would never even be an issue.

    Power to the Jaywalker, man.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Fatback said:
    mannybolone said:
    Fatback said:
    jaywalking is the same as running a red light and should have the same fine.

    This doesn't make sense: in running a red light, it's the car wielding the deadly force. When a pedestrian jaywalks, it's STILL the car that wields the deadly force. The onus of responsibility is ultimately on the deadlier force in both cases, regardless of who is committing the traffic-related violation.

    Let me get this straight. If I'm about to drive through an intersection (green light, at 35 mph speed limit) and someone walks out into the crosswalk ignoring the don't walk sign and they are hit by me. It is my responsibility?

    Accountability is all about who has the most power....your car could kill this poor dude crossing the street so YOU have to be accountable, not him.....and besides, cars are bougie and support the drilling of oil....if you would walk instead of drive that death machine of yours this would never even be an issue.

    Power to the Jaywalker, man.

    I hate agreeing with you, but I do get the same underlying message from that argument.

    For the record, I have never commuted to work by car. That's over 20 years too. As a cyclist and pedestrian the best way to stay safe is follow the rules.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Fatback said:

    Let me get this straight. If I'm about to drive through an intersection (green light, at 35 mph speed limit) and someone walks out into the crosswalk ignoring the don't walk sign and they are hit by me. It is my responsibility?

    I actually had to go to court a couple of years ago over basically this situation - driving through a green light at or under the speed limit, this group of tweens decided it would be cool to just walk in front of my (rather large) truck without warning, basically playing chicken with me, which is something I see kids around here do every day. I had a split second to decide which had less of a chance of killing them: slamming on brakes and hoping I don't skid right through them, or swerving around them. I chose the latter, and was immediately pulled over by a cop, who turned out to be a hysterical woman shouting into my window "YOU ALMOST KILLED THOSE KIDS!" to which I replied "I KNOW, RIGHT? WASN'T THAT SCARY?!" ... she insisted I could have stopped and gave me a $200 moving violation ... I fought it in court and got it thrown out based on the fact that I had a green light and the kids weren't in the crosswalk.

    Now, after all that, I STILL say it's absurd to hand out tickets and waste police resources on jaywalkers ... but I think it's just a regional thing, because here in Boston EVERYBODY crosses the street where and when they want and almost NOBODY stops for people in crosswalks (I do, in my truck, but literally get horns blown at me from behind every time I do) ... that's why I think this video is ridiculous - the girl is out of control but I don't see how it ever got to this point, over somebody jaywalking.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Fatback said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Fatback said:
    mannybolone said:
    Fatback said:
    jaywalking is the same as running a red light and should have the same fine.

    This doesn't make sense: in running a red light, it's the car wielding the deadly force. When a pedestrian jaywalks, it's STILL the car that wields the deadly force. The onus of responsibility is ultimately on the deadlier force in both cases, regardless of who is committing the traffic-related violation.

    Let me get this straight. If I'm about to drive through an intersection (green light, at 35 mph speed limit) and someone walks out into the crosswalk ignoring the don't walk sign and they are hit by me. It is my responsibility?

    Accountability is all about who has the most power....your car could kill this poor dude crossing the street so YOU have to be accountable, not him.....and besides, cars are bougie and support the drilling of oil....if you would walk instead of drive that death machine of yours this would never even be an issue.

    Power to the Jaywalker, man.

    I hate agreeing with you, but I do get the same underlying message from that argument.

    For the record, I have never commuted to work by car. That's over 20 years too. As a cyclist and pedestrian the best way to stay safe is follow the rules.

    Should I hate that you agreed with me too....or be flattered?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    SoulOnIce said:

    Now, after all that, I STILL say it's absurd to hand out tickets and waste police resources on jaywalkers ... but I think it's just a regional thing, because here in Boston EVERYBODY crosses the street where and when they want and almost NOBODY stops for people in crosswalks (I do, in my truck, but literally get horns blown at me from behind every time I do) ... that's why I think this video is ridiculous - the girl is out of control but I don't see how it ever got to this point, over somebody jaywalking.

    I know I've told this story before but I got busted for Jaywalking in L.A. by two CHIPS dudes.....I had no idea what jaywalking NY we look both ways and run.....and I'm certain that if I had done to these officers what the girl(s) in that video did I would have gotten my ass kicked.

    Would a parent actually teach their children to disrespect and hit the police? Or that you don't have to abide by any law you don't happen to like? I'm afraid some do.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    Rockadelic said:

    Would a parent actually teach their children to disrespect and hit the police? Or that you don't have to abide by any law you don't happen to like? I'm afraid some do.

    i dont like agreeing with Rockster, but i gotta agree with this.
    were those kids assholes? yes. please transfer that scene to whatever school,institutional home they live in...ten times a month. whoever raise them is more of an asshole. oh yeah, her grandmom... "she's perfect. shes an angel." ok, asshole.

    now i choose to disregard many laws (like jaywalking) knowing full well that i could be giving cops an opening to harass. the other day i got pulled over for talking on a cell phone ON MY BIKE, when i didnt produce ID (no wallet) cop had my hands on his squad car for twenty minutes, emptied my pockets and ran a check on me. out of line, but did i push him? curse him out? helllllll no. if i had got all aggressive, you dont think my head would have bounced off the hood a couple times? you dont think i know this?

    assholes like that, kids are not, shouldnt get a pass. they shouldnt get punched in the face either, but that cop should have had their asses in the back of the squad car right quick and let them yell all they wanted from in there.

    fail on whoever raised them kids
    fail on the asshole kids
    fail on that cop who cant handle a jaywalking situation

  • El PrezEl Prez NE Ohio 1,141 Posts
    Hell for the most parts kids like this don't even respect their parents so you know they don't respect the police.

  • that girl is just lucky the cop only punched her. did she ever have that coming.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    These are the the high school aged kids in Richmond, VA. A whole generation of kids who do whatever they want whenever they want. they have no respect for teachers, cops, bus drivers, their parents, and, most importantly, themselves.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    No, she didn???t have it coming. Him being a police officer doesn???t give him the right to get physical almost immediately with an unarmed person who is not causing a danger to anyone.

    Lots of assholes and no thinkers in this situation.

    She is a teenager - apparently raised by wolves - and he is an adult police officer - hopefully trained in using his head, not losing control of a relatively calm situation and not clocking teenagers as first resort.
    Who are we expecting to make the better judgement call?

    Walsh tried to stop a group of females when one woman, later identified as Levias, began walking away, according to an incident report.
    Walsh told Levias she must identify herself so he could issue her a citation or she would face arrest for obstruction, the report said. Levias continued to walk away, prompting Walsh to grab her upper arm with his right hand, the report said.

    I???ll be the asshole non-thinker on this one and say he should have never put his hands on her. He was not in danger, no one else was in danger. He asked her to stop once, she didn???t and he went for it right away.

    You want to escalate a jaywalking incident? Then call in back up. Follow her. Write citations for all the other people who were also jaywalking.

    I am not saying the girls acted right, but he definitely acted more wrong.

    She is lucky she only got punched, right about that. And it's a good thing it only took a punch to have conduct reviewed.
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