Current recording artist in your city/state/country?

SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
edited June 2010 in Strut Central
This is a question for you people not in major cities.

Who's putting out good music in your region? Who do you like in your local music scene? Who's using analog?

Here in Vegas, we have a lot of bands, but not a lot of popular recording artists. Our biggest artists that rep vegas is The Killers. To my knowledge they've never recorded in this state. They originally got put up on a British label before they got on Def jam.

Then there's Panic at the Disco, another pap band. To my knowledge they've recorded at the multi-million dollar studio at the top of the Palms.

We got the Afghan Raiders, electronic dance music that's got a good buzz.

Then we have another pap band The Imagine Dragons... more of the same.

I honestly can't reccomend any of those bands, but that's what's going on in my scene.

For those of you in Major cities LA, NY etc.. Who's a local artist making music that you actually like?


- spidey


  • barjesusbarjesus 872 Posts
    Here in Houston, I'm feeling Muhammadali (R&R), Weird Party (R&R), Yppah (Instrumental, dare I say trip hop), Grandfather Child (Weirdo Country), Roky Moon and Bolt (Glam)...

  • doomdoom 305 Posts
    we have dungen here in bandhagen, stockholm. a stonesthrow away from my apartment. not only analog, but one of the best analogs in the game if you ask me. fuzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • barjesusbarjesus 872 Posts
    doom said:
    we have dungen here in bandhagen, stockholm. a stonesthrow away from my apartment. not only analog, but one of the best analogs in the game if you ask me. fuzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    One of my favorite groups, I see them every chance I get.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts

    Nice man. I'd love to hear more about that recording setup. That last album was amazing.

    Anybody else on the Strut up on there Local music scene?

    - spidey

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    I love the last Dungen album!

    As for Baltimore, there are quite a few bands that I enjoy that are very much about being from Baltimore -- Beach House (Sub Pop), Celebration (formerly on 4AD, now self-releasing), Thank You (Thrill Jockey), Small Sur (Aural Slate; waxidermy folks need to hear this band!). I guess Animal Collective counts as well -- they don't live here any more, but they grew up and started performing here, and their music frequently references the area.

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    B-More STAND UP!!

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