"Boogaloo" by Arthur Kempton, anyone?
4,472 Posts
Visited Hastings today and while looking for a gift for my mom, I browsed through the music books and saw "Boogaloo: The Quintessence of American Popular Music" by Arthur Kempton. I briefly browsed through it, but put it down despite its price ($5.95 for hardcover). Has anyone read this, and if so, thoughts? Is it a worthy read? Inform. This review praised it, but want to know what you all thought?http://bit.ly/ag8nsv
I recall thinking it was a better read than I thought it would be, but not enough to part w/$25 (or however much it was).
I'd say $5.95 is about the right price for it.
And yes, I bought it because I saw it on sale for 5 bucks..