The Human Centipede
3,982 Posts
Who else has heard about this movie (its easily google-able if not)?Anybody seen it? Plan on it?As much as I love horror movies and weirdo movies this one seems to cross a line to me. And I usually go for movies that push the boundaries in taste - especially when its done for a laugh, but I think I'll pass on the Human Centipede.Just curious if this was on anybody else's radar.
I wish my name was Dieter Laser.
I had a meeting this week with a guy named Sterling Deal. It was his real name. I asked.
There was a dude in my high school named Happy Hill . Imagine having that curse!
The football coach was Jack Daniels.
Btw I had a music teacher named Stafford Horne and a phys ed teacher named Jim Sok. I also know a Grant Harm.
I guess it would be if you wanted a name that made people think "gay porn star."
Otherwise not so much.
Completely lateral, but this reminds me of an MLB player named Covelli Crisp. He goes by the name Coco Crisp, which sounds like a delicious breakfast cereal.
"In Soviet Russia, pussy eats you!"
A Serbian Film on the other hand.. has anyone seen it? jesus f. christ. i had to switch off. read about it and try it if you dare.