Alan McGee (WTF-related)

DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
edited April 2010 in Strut Central
I mean, WTF..? I would like to point out that Alan McGee is Scottish.


  • brought the future of funk forward with The End, which I firmly believe is this generation's There's a Riot Going On. I welcome the re-emergence of Sly Stone, and look forward to exactly how he will continue the musical genius of

    Look at the brilliant My Humps, which exposes sexual gratification and objectification in a titillating number that sits firmly in the funk canon.

  • wow

  • Alan McGee says musicians such as Sir Paul McCartney should retire at 40

    Feted by Tony Blair at 10 Downing Street, impresario Alan McGee is unlikely to inspire similar adoration in some of this country?s leading pop musicians, such as Sir Paul McCartney.

    McGee, credited as being one of the architects of so-called ?Cool Britannia? and who managed such ?Britpop? bands as Oasis and Primal Scream, has called on all rock stars to retire at 40 and singled out Sir Paul for particular criticism.

    ?Music should be like football,? he declares. ?Once you turn 40 you should become a manager or get lost. You don?t have 66-year-old football players - there?s a reason for that. The man I was at 24 managing The Jesus and Mary Chain is not the same person at 49.?

    Of the former Beatle, he says: ?McCartney should retire. John Lennon is probably firing bullets from another dimension as we speak. Just give in, Paul.?

    Next month, the record industry holds its annual awards ceremony, the Brits, but McGee calls for the shindig to be abolished. He claims that the nominees, who include Pixie Lott and Florence & the Machine are ?an embarrassment?. Coldplay, whose record A Rush of Blood to the Head is nominated as the best album of the past 30 years are, he adds for good measure, ?a dilution of a dilution of a dilution?.

    McGee, who founded Creation Records, was courted assiduously by Labour ahead of its 1997 landslide win.

    Afterwards, he was largely responsible for changing government legislation in relation to musicians being able to go on the New Deal.

    Last year, however, he declared his support for the Conservatives and said ?at least David Cameron looks like a leader?.
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