I called you up, but you weren't there...

JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
edited March 2010 in Strut Central
....and I was broken heartedEvery time the site goes down I stare into the void that is a day at work without SS and it frightens me. I'm not ready to deal with the darkness that lies there quite yet.Animals strike curious poses.On the plus side I actually got some work done rather than restoring to my normal impulse ebay purchases coping mechanism.


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    Lionel Hampton - Where Were You

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    Relax A*i, it was only a sprained ankle plus there's another leg to play!

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    LOL. Yeah misery piled on misery when I looked for SS solace this morning and only found a sign saying unable to connect to server.

    Crying in the rain.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    Relax A*i, it was only a sprained ankle plus there's another leg to play!

    Rooney's good, but he's not that good.


    "Just look at the statistics. Rooney is their top scorer with 34 goals. Dimitar Berbatov has 12 goals but until this weekend their second-highest scorer was the opposition, with 11 own goals. That's how important Rooney is to them"

    Chelsea to win the Prem then?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    No that's how important opposition defences are to us.

    In fairness it's more an indication of just how effective he's been for us as a strike force this year - he's played as the lone striker much of the year.

    After all, I seem to remember people saying something similar about Ronaldo before he left.

    Most worrying for me was the general lethargy (i'm hoping this was a result of scoring so quickly and players shifting their attention prematurely to the Chelsea match)and in particular Evra looking like a spent force after playing every single game so far this season.

    I wouldn't be over surprised about Chelsea doing us over at the weekend but they're going to drop more points before the season is over.

    As for the CL, Fergie astutely pointed out that we wouldn't play that badly for the second leg and I see no reason to doubt the purple nosed one.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,909 Posts
    MOke to animate a lit flame.
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