Wood working strut (help needed..Thes?)

Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
edited March 2010 in Strut Central
I want to build a built in that is functional as storage and also a window seat/bench. Basically it will go from wall to wall and will be slightly higher book cases on the end (around the window) and then the entire middle will be lower shelves that will be topped as a window bench. The room is about 14 feet wide and the window is about 11-12. I haven't started on any of this, no measurements or anything. I just want to get some ideas and get some input on wood and construction. I'm trying to think of how I can make it using a cheaper wood as the bones and finish it off with something nicer. Any input would be appreciated. I'll try to do a mock-up of what I'm thinking and hopefully people can help me out. My wife wants me to keep it on the cheap, so I need to get creative. We want to ditch the old couch and replace it with a built in. I'm not even sure what type of wood to use and if I can get everything I need from Lowes or if this requires a lumberyard. It will most likely be painted white, so it doesn't have to have a great grain to it or anything.


  • If it's going to be painted, go with mdf (Medium-density fibreboard), it's inexpensive, consistent and good to paint. It's what a cabinet maker would use.

    Or you could use form ply, paint up the ineteriors but let the veneer layers show for a contempory feel. Also inexpensive.

  • good advice. I take exact measurements of the area and download google's excellent sketch up program. It even has a setting for woodworking.

    Before you start your design though go to Lowes or HD and see what is available before you start making plans. In other words - if you were going to make a shelf 10 inches wide but there are 12 inch planks available, modify your design so you can use factory edges and not cut.

    call me hommy lets build

  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    thanks. I'll come back with some updates and questions. I am still in the contemplation stage.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    some folks research the mdf and ply they get for one with less off-gassing glues. same goes for paints and stains. Lowes has a no voc paint that worked real well for me and is rather affordable
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