Glenn Beck Is Off His Meds Again

fishmongerfunkfishmongerfunk 4,154 Posts
edited July 2009 in Strut Central
you need to hang in there for the first couple of min for the payoff


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Yeah... Great stuff.

    I love how he brings up we in Canada have a lotto to get coverage.

    I think what this really comes down to is what someone put up on reddit. The rich deserve Better health care than the poor.

    Beck sounds like one of those dudes. But with way more anger.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    . The rich deserve Better health care than the poor.

    Imagining a day when the unemployed miner in Appalachia gets the same level of health care as the successful movie producer in Hollywood is a nice secret mind garden lollipop island daydream.

    An admirable goal but truly unrealistic.

    I want the best possible care available to me, knowing full well that it's not as good as some but better than others.

    Whether I like and agree with that or not, it's reality, and as far as I can tell, will continue to be, hopefully to a lesser degree.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    you need to hang in there for the first couple of min for the payoff

    That high-pitched squeal of his is pure comedy gold.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    . The rich deserve Better health care than the poor.

    Imagining a day when the unemployed miner in Appalachia gets the same level of health care as the successful movie producer in Hollywood is a nice secret mind garden lollipop island daydream.

    An admirable goal but truly unrealistic.

    It's not the goal. It's the idea that rich people think they "deserve" or are entitled to it.

    Like they can buy a heart transplant and jump in front of anyone who doesn't have the money or even if they do, that they would be willing to pay more for it.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    are there no prisons? are there no workhouses?

    if not, they should die & decrease the surplus population

  • SaracenusSaracenus 671 Posts
    All we need it Beck to scream "Solyent Green is people!"

    That would solve the hunger and health care problems... Carry on.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Is this any different than any other Beck show?

  • Is this any different than any other Beck show?

    i'm not sure if it is any different but the high pitched squealing is just priceless: "get off my phone"!!!!!- guy is a hair's breath away from all out nervous breakdown.

    the fact that there are people who might take him seriously out there is just scary.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    If you fold a hundred dollar bill just right...

  • covecove 1,566 Posts

  • When is President Obama going to roll out his plan for the Goverment run car and mortgage payment system. Or how about Goverment run country clubs? I'm sick of rich people driving better cars and living in nicer homes than me. It's not fair.

  • SaracenusSaracenus 671 Posts
    When is President Obama going to roll out his plan for the Goverment (sp) to ban the use of false analogies and hyperbole in public discourse[/b]. Or how about Goverment (sp) actually governing for the best interests of the people and business together instead just business interests that flood politicians with campaign money[/b]. It's saner[/b].

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

  • When is President Obama going to roll out his plan for the Goverment (sp) to ban the use of false analogies and hyperbole in public discourse[/b]. Or how about Goverment (sp) actually governing for the best interests of the people and business together instead just business interests that flood politicians with campaign money[/b]. It's saner[/b].

    The US government is the most greedy and corrupt organization in existence. It does not matter what party or ideology is running the show. A small, limited government is the best option. We need less government involvement, not more.

  • SaracenusSaracenus 671 Posts
    The US government is the most greedy and corrupt organization in existence. It does not matter what party or ideology is running the show. A small, limited government is the best option. We need less government involvement, not more.

    And now I know why you are posting on the side of Glenn "I've Lost My Mind" Beck, you are one of those Grover Norquist "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub." ideologues.

    Welcome to my ignore list.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    The US government is the most greedy and corrupt organization in existence.


  • If you fold a hundred dollar bill just right...


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    When is President Obama going to roll out his plan for the Goverment (sp) to ban the use of false analogies and hyperbole in public discourse[/b]. Or how about Goverment (sp) actually governing for the best interests of the people and business together instead just business interests that flood politicians with campaign money[/b]. It's saner[/b].

    The US government is the most greedy and corrupt organization in existence. It does not matter what party or ideology is running the show. A small, limited government is the best option. We need less government involvement, not more.

    I am so tired of you "hate America" types.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    When is President Obama going to roll out his plan for the Goverment run car and mortgage payment system. Or how about Goverment run country clubs? I'm sick of rich people driving better cars and living in nicer homes than me. It's not fair.

    Seriously. People who can't afford their medicine, or are going bankrupt because of their doctors bills shoulda thought of that before they got so sick, or poor.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    ya'll are giving this guy way too much credit. he doesn't believe a word he's saying.

  • Name one state or federal government program or department that isn't jam-packed with waste, fraud and abuse.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    Name one state or federal government program or department that isn't jam-packed with waste, fraud and abuse.

    you forgot to include county and municipal. and fortunately there is no waste, fraud or abuse in the private sector and they can save us.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Name one state or federal government program or department that isn't jam-packed with waste, fraud and abuse.

    you forgot to include county and municipal. and fortunately there is no waste, fraud or abuse in the private sector and they can save us.

    And thank god that the private sector is pure meritocracy! No crony-ism there! It's all "What you know" not "who you know'! No corruption in private business at all.

    I had the dis-pleasure of sitting in a focus group on Health Care Reform last night with a table of middle aged White Men. Outside of maybe 2 other people besides myself, they were all walking talking Republican stereotypes. It was flat out frightening how little these people considered anyone but themselves in any aspect of their thought process. The only upside was how honest they were about it, priobably because it was all white dudes in this room. I was 2 steps away from telling one dude how glad I am that in 5 years time his old ass would be history, that his f*cking time was up.

    In the end, I am now of the opinion that the Dems might as well pass the most radical, out there plan conceivable, because these asshole will be kicking and screaming about taxes if the Congress is even THINKING about making a change. Might as well give them something to kick and scream about. God, these guys were the douchiest douches imaginable.

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    in all honesty, the post office runs pretty well for the crazy amount of volume they handle, so F*ck off cuntgravel
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