Looking to book for new venue in Brooklyn

Some friends recently opened a mid-sized venue out in Brooklyn (Gowanus) and I've been helping out in whatever ways possible. The hired talent buyer has a slant towards (indie) rock and such, so I'm trying to fill voids with what I can which is mostly coming from a black music/DJ driven music perspective. Are there any up and coming acts that I should peep or reach out to that are in NYC and have a decent BK following, or are from this part of the country, or even touring to NYC?I feel like the venue has a lot of potential and once folks come through will like it. So I'm trying to help build some proper programming that will draw folks out. Any advice on acts to look at would be appreciated. Thanks! B.Here's the spot:littlefield622 degraw st. b/w 3rd & 4th ave.brooklyn, ny 11217http://littlefieldnyc.com
