new David Lynch co-written album
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yes that David Lynch. Wrote lyrics, mixed and produced 6 songs with the group Fox Bat Strategy (who worked with him on the soundtrack to the movie Firetalk). FBS' guitarist, lead songwriter and vocalist, David Jaurequi, passed away in 2006, and Lynch is now releasing the 6 recordings they made in 1994 on an album called A Tribute to David Jaurequi.I just finish writing a review of the album, and I'm really, really Lots and lots of reverb, not nearly as dark as you might think w/Lynch holding the pen. It's got a great pace, alternating between really sunny and more atmospheric tracks. Not sure what the strut will think of it, but from me it comes highly little-dude-recommended.sip it baby:Anyone got any more music by the Fox Bat Strategy folks? i'm on the prowl now. this kicks the goddamn ass of that new lynch/dangermouse sheisse