Sketchy house calls?
370 Posts
Anyone ever had trouble during a house call?Got shook down or something similar?
In the process I've developed a sort of sixth sense about who to avoid.
I also don't carry a serious roll on me, as I don't want to be known as the dude who is carrying heavy cash.
You talking about making house calls, or getting rolled by the cable guy in your own house?
Seems like an untold part of THA GAME
No but cable guy scenario sounds like possible law and order fodder
never had much trouble apart from pity buys. the only scary moment was a lock-in with a clearly insane person. major kathy bates moves.
i pulled a skated last poets, gil scott and brian jackson, and idris muhammad common to get out of there before he went into the basement for his hip hop collection "mint but no sleeves".
A few important questions go a long way.
The post said they were an "auto parts warehouse" that had a bunch of records.
Not the most promising lead but I was gonna be in that part of town so I figured I'd check it out.
Roll into the "warehouse" that had a small office and can see a few boxes of 78's.
I ask dude if these were all the records they had, Oh no we have a bunch more in the back.
"Hey Jimi you wanna show this guy the rest of the records"
"Come on man!"
"He doesn't sound interested"
At this point they are screaming at each other. I think Jimi was surfing porn on his laptop
and didn't wanna get up, but he leads me in back.
This is when I see that this joint has to be a chop shop, their "auto parts warehouse", appears to be a couple
disassembled cars and random parts, transmissions, engines etc.
He leads me to about 6 crates of pure shite.
Nothing even remotely worth buying is found so, I make my way up front and let them know
there isn't anything I can use.
Jimi is pissed, "So you don't want'em huh?"
I realize as I'm standing in the office that they have two parrots that live there and that they are
free to roam and of course that means bird shit everywhere.
I bounce with a quickness.
it's a little un-nerving
Thankfully no, I'll bet money that there were a couple firearms at the parrot shit palace
but they were not in plain site.
Not sketchy, we had met before in the non-record world.
Her husband had died and she was selling the records.
She kept flipping back and forth between being surprised how much I was paying and thinking I was cheating her.
I hate when people think I am cheating them.
Often when I tell someone there is nothing I can use, they get mad and think I am cheating them by not buying anything.
I look at hundred records, and say, I can give $5 for these 4 (mostly because I am trying to be nice) and they start raving about how much their records are worth. Yeah, they are worth so much I only want 4 of them.
I've been in a lot of sketchy houses, but have never worried.
If you are feeling a little uneasy with the situation let them know at the start you will have to write a check, or stop by the bank because you didn't bring any cash.