JOJO MAYER NERVE w/pure fire djs | TONIGHT

APTAPT 33 Posts
edited May 2009 in Announcements
"Jojo Mayer flabbergasted the audience with his combination of blistering technique and musical creativity. His performance incorporated polyrhytmic playing, impressive rudimental skills, and absolutely unbelievable single-bass-drum speed. Inaddition, Jojo (also an accomplished magician) tossed in entertaining sleigth-of-hand stick tricks and other elements of showmanship that had the audience in stitches (as well as in awe of his drumming abilities). In order to demonstrate the applicability of his impressive talents in a musical context, Jojo performed along with two other talented gentlemen (NERVE) : Jamie Saft on keyboards and Tim Lefebvre on bass. The trio played a variety of challenging pieces that gave Jojo ample opportunity to groove and solo. Although Jojo`s name wasn`t known to every audience mamber at the start of his performance, he had made it well-nigh unforgettable by the time he concluded."(Modern Drummer Magazine oct. 98, review of the Modern Drummer Festival Weekend 98)"(Horatio) Hernandez and (Akira) Jimbo have "raised the bar" in terms of four-way coordination. And Swiss phenom Jojo Mayer displayed some of the fastest hands seen since Buddy (with exellent single bass technique to boot !). All three gentlemen are destined for "drum god" status.http://aptnyc.com
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