John Gotti's Daughter Being Evicted from Home

fishmongerfunkfishmongerfunk 4,154 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central
i guess this is a pure schadenfreude post (), but it is good to know bad things can happen to bad people sometimes.


  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    He took mah hair gel!

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    Eh mah! a life!

  • DustedDonDustedDon 830 Posts
    "lodi dodi free john gotti, the king of new york man the king of new york"

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    "Now she's Evict-oria!"

    "They Gotti find a new home!"

    Was this article written by Bruce Villanche?

    Is the Post always like this? If so, can I get a job there? I can come up with corny-ass puns all day!
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