when VH1 does "I love the 00s"

GaryGary 3,982 Posts
edited April 2009 in Strut Central
I wonder what it will be all about? I wonder what the major pop culture events/fads of the 00s were?The 90s I know like the back of my hand but I sort of draw a blank at the 00s for some reason.What shit was major in the 00s?TV?-chappelle show-?Movies?-300-?Music?-emo-hyphy-snap rap-south rap-britney spears?-jonas brothers?Fashion?-trucker hats-skinny jeans-hipster clothes in general?Fads?-those caveman commercials?For some reason when I think of the 00s I think of DMX. I mean, its always the first thing that comes to mind, and I'm not even sure why.the 00s seems like a blur....


  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Damn, I completely forgot about internet fads/trends/whatever that appeared in the 00s


  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    They already did it (kind of)

    It's called I Love the New Millenium


  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Oh shit. well thats kind of weird. Shouldn't they at least wait until '10?

  • Oh shit. well thats kind of weird. Shouldn't they at least wait until '10?

    they could have used the time to write better jokes. also, future 00s themed party outfit:

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Oh yeah, UGG boots... thats a good one. And pants with the word "Juicy" written on the ass.

  • those Palestinian scarfs

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    those Palestinian scarfs

    some people get seriously butthurt over those scarfs.

    thank god persians aren't that uptight or a lot of people would be without rugs right now.

  • those Palestinian scarfs

    some people get seriously butthurt over those scarfs.

    on one hand, it can be interpreted as a rebuke to Israelis and Jews who support Israeli policies and an avatar of Islamic militancy; on the other, it sort of trivializes a major issue by turning into a fashion trend that is unwittingly picked up on by idiots.

    i am not offended by them in the least but they are completely ridiculous as a fashion statement. now pardon me while i take down my che guevera posters....

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Really though, people are always co-opting other cultures and stuff to be hip or whatever. Chinese Tattoos, Sarongs, Qaballah, thos ponchos that dudes wore in the 80s with beer logos, ninja shoes, fashionable rosary beads and/or crosses and shit, buddha statues at Target... indian moccasins and shit.

  • that's true but if you will recall all that stuff was also very whack (do rappers still say that?).

    also, this is slightly different because it speaks to a specific and divisive current issue that is close to the hearts and minds of many people.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Don't you think that most people buying them really care about any "issue" though? I think they are like "OMG did you see Kaytlin's scarf? OMG it was soooo cute. Its so ethnicky! I totally have to get one!"

  • i agree, kaytlin probably just wants to look cute and trendy but i guess that's the most galling part of it all.

    its like wearing a t-shirt with a swastika on it but not knowing what that symbol stands for. its not malicious but it is brainless and naive.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I do love me some ethnicky shit though.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    ninja shoes

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    I do love me some ethnicky shit though.

    Isn't that what the 'Strut is all about?

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts

  • willie_fugalwillie_fugal 1,862 Posts
    what i really want to know about "when VH1 does 'I love the 00s'" is how they plan on pronouncing "the 00s".

    p.s. ethnicky stuff > nativist stuff

  • fauxteurfauxteur 342 Posts
    I'm hoping they'll finally do a countdown show about the least essential countdown shows.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    what i really want to know about "when VH1 does 'I love the 00s'" is how they plan on pronouncing "the 00s".

    here we are, the 2000's are almost over, yet I have SELDOM heard anybody say "these are the 2000's" like they would have "these are the 1970's" or "these are the 1990's"...

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    maybe its too early to tell, but i cant think of very many "things" from the beginning of the decade that are now passe

    the only trends i can think of that are now gone include "boy bands" and Friendster

    and then there was an unusual amount of disasters this decade, like 9/11 and Katrina, but then again, this is VH1 we're talking about, not MSNBC.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Amy Winehouse/Retro Phenomenon
    Obama & Them
    Food Network
    All Over Print Clothing
    Rise & Fall of Starbucks?
    Vinyl "Resurrection"
    American Idol
    Post-Hip Hop
    Sopranos/The Wire
    Comic Book Movies Explode
    LeBron James/K.O.B.E
    Flavor Of Love
    Everyone Loves Raymond
    The Wii
    Michael Vick
    Steroids in Baseball

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Amy Winehouse/Retro Phenomenon
    Obama & Them
    Food Network
    -really? why?
    All Over Print Clothing
    Rise & Fall of Starbucks?
    -starbucks fell?
    Vinyl "Resurrection"
    -maybe.... I doubt it on vh1 though...
    American Idol
    Post-Hip Hop
    -lol, of course!
    Sopranos/The Wire
    Comic Book Movies Explode
    -I thought about that....
    LeBron James/K.O.B.E
    -don't know
    Flavor Of Love
    Everyone Loves Raymond
    -not a cultural movement or fad. just a hilarious show.
    The Wii
    Michael Vick
    Steroids in Baseball

    that was a pretty good list! explain the food network one to me though.

  • dwyhajlodwyhajlo 420 Posts
    High School Musical
    Reality TV, esp. Survivor, Big Brother, America's Next Top Model, Fear Factor, etc.
    Smart Cars
    Colbert Report (and The Daily Show)
    Celebrities adopting kids from other countries?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    explain the food network one to me though.

    The Food Network,Foodies,Organic Movements,Greenmarkets,Food Blogs,Wine.

    The food game got BIG in the last 10 years.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    90's. Shit was already in regular-ass grocery stores by the mid-ninties.

  • what i really want to know about "when VH1 does 'I love the 00s'" is how they plan on pronouncing "the 00s".

    the aughties.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    those Palestinian scarfs
    I remember those shits being around at my highschool before I dropped out in the mid 80s... even back then this fashion statement was smiled upon by everybody with half a brain and that was in the black forest, the provincial backwoods of southern Germany. The next fashion statement should be to shoot themselves in the head so people don't have to further ridicule themselves in public.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    those Palestinian scarfs

    I remember those shits being around in the mid 80s...

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    we need a rubix cube or pet rock/pogs for this generation. something that kids want that isn't electronic and will be in garage sales everywhere in 2.5 years.

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