Bizarre Microwave problem (any ideas?)
Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
I'm at the clurb and they have a basic S.erato system running through a Rane TTM 56. The sound system here can be spotty but tonight, I ran into a f*cking bizarre problem I've never had before.Basically, I'm convinced that my laptop cut all the highs out of any songs being played through the S.erato. Low end? No problem. But mid and highs? GONE. I was tripping since I figured it must have been some mixer or speaker issue but the mixer seemed fine and what was even weirder is that the monitor, which feeds out of the mixer's aux port, was fine - all frequencies were there. It was only the main speakers, on the dance floor that lost freqs. I didn't think it was a computer/software issue until the program flashed a USB alert and started freezing up (which I've never experienced before on this laptop) and I threw on a 45 and voila - all freqs were back.Anyone ever run into this? What makes no sense is why the studio monitor kept its highs while the floor speakers lost theirs. After all, if it's the software or laptop that's managing to kill mids and highs, wouldn't that be universal to any output?
Just a thought.
I can see where you're coming from. It just made me think of it because if you have worn wiring or connections it can cause certain freqs to cut out depending on where at and how much of the connection isn't being made.