cd replication(any info would be great r)

ageage 1,131 Posts
edited April 2009 in Strut Central
Hey Folks,Looking for a place thats replication is great, but prices are reasonable.Any leads or ideas. Looking to put a mix out soon, just having a hard place to choose from. Just to give you an idea, looking for a normal 2 to 4 panel clear casing, full color art work and color label.Thanks again soulstrutters, looking foward to the info.Peace and oh..I'm in the states Adrian


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Age: you're up in the Bay right? Holler at my boy Rodney at the Corner Store

  • DescryDescry 229 Posts
    Age: you're up in the Bay right? Holler at my boy Rodney at the Corner Store

    cosign, dj icewater does great work.

  • ageage 1,131 Posts
    Thanks folks and also, does the cat at the cornerstore do color prints? I just see replication w/ thermal prints and white or clear envelopes?

    Lemme know and the copy cats people got some really nice rates..anymore, would be greatly appreciated

    Peace and again , thank you all!

  • pppppppp 261 Posts
    Hey Adrian - I run SAMO media: we can do CD/vinyl manufacturing as well as custom print work in house. Send me an email: [email][/email] and I can run over some pricing and options.

    Plus, the Canadian dollar blows, so our US customers get much lower pricing when the exchange is factored in.

  • SupergoodSupergood 1,213 Posts
    I don't have any experience with these folks, but I plan on using them in the near future:

    Prices seem pretty reasonable to me.

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts
    Hey Adrian - I run SAMO media: we can do CD/vinyl manufacturing as well as custom print work in house. Send me an email: [email][/email] and I can run over some pricing and options.

    Plus, the Canadian dollar blows, so our US customers get much lower pricing when the exchange is factored in.

    can cosign, SAMO hooked me up solid + professional for my '07 cd/lp, and that was when the exchange weren't so hott.

  • ageage 1,131 Posts
    Good looking out folks on this. I emailed a couple of ya'll. Get back at me

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