watch this Ohio Congressional race (NRR)

The current seat was vacated because the current Congressman was appointed to a higher position by Bush. So there is a special election for the seat coming up Aug. 2.Watch it!The democrat:Paul Hackett???former marine who served in the Iraq war.
???I was against the [Iraq] war. It was a misuse of our military that damaged our credibility throughout the world and squandered our political capital. Still, I volunteered to serve, and I have no regrets.??? The republican:
Jean Schmidt???class A bitch ???When President Bush made the decision to respond to the attacks of 9/11 by dealing with al-Qaeda and its Taliban sponsors, and protect America from a gathering threat by removing Saddam Hussein from power, he committed: to provide our troops with whatever they need to protect themselves and successfully complete their mission; and to stand with the Afghan and Iraqi people against the terrorists trying desperately to derail democracy and the advance of freedom.???, on paper Paul Hackett is unfuckwidable. Let???s see if they try to pull another Max Cleland? Remember that?
From the Cincinatti PostFor more than three decades, Ohio's 2nd Congressional District has been represented by men who may be fairly described as Republican patricians. We don't mean that in a pejorative sense. Rob Portman, like Willis Gradison and William Keating before him, adhered to standards all too rare in Congress. They were policy-oriented pragmatists inclined toward the money issues: tax policy, health care, retirement security, economics.Next Tuesday voters in the 2nd District will go to the polls in a special election to decide who will fill the unexpired term of Portman, who resigned to become the U.S. trade representative.The June 14 primary produced two capable, and competitive, candidates: Jean Schmidt, a Republican, and Paul Hackett, a Democrat.They share certain similarities.Both are products of financially secure families - Schmidt's father was a builder and entrepreneur in Clermont County; Hackett's father was an engineer and manufacturer's representative who settled in Indian Hill.Both are athletes - Schmidt is an accomplished marathon runner, Hackett ran track before he became a U.S. Marine.Both also have long records of public service, albeit in different ways.Schmidt served as a township trustee for 10 years before winning election in 2000 to the Ohio House of Representatives. There she served for four years before giving up the seat to run for the Ohio Senate - a race she lost, in a recount, by just 22 votes.Schmidt has also held a variety of civic and political posts, and serves on the governing boards of such entities as the Clermont County Library, Clermont Mercy Hospital Foundation, the Live Oaks/Great Oaks Business Industry Partnership Council and Greater Cincinnati Right to Life.Hackett's public service revolves around the Marine Corps. In 1982 he enlisted in a reserve officers program while he was a student at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He completed law school at Cleveland State before starting full-time active duty in 1989. He continued in the active reserves after returning in 1992 to Cincinnati, where he practiced law in a small firm before launching a solo practice in 1994. Hackett served on Milford City Council from 1995-98; he stepped down after purchasing what he describes as the oldest house in Indian Hill - a recently-renovated, 200-year-old stone structure on the banks of the Little Miami River.Last year Hackett re-enlisted in the Marine active reserves; he went in with the rank of major and served in Iraq with a governance support team, where part of his job involved organizing convoys to bring money and supplies from Baghdad to Iraqis serving in the regional government.In terms of their ideology and their approach to issues, Schmidt and Hackett present sharp differences.Schmidt, from what we can discern, would likely be a dependable vote for the Bush administration, particularly its foreign policy and Iraq. In this campaign she has allied herself with the president, as she did earlier to Ohio Gov. Bob Taft and before that to former House Speaker Larry Householder. Her approach to policy issues is incremental, except perhaps concerning taxes. She seems generally to favor supply side economics, and wants to make President Bush's personal income taxes permanent and get rid of the estate, capital gains and alternative minimum taxes entirely. She supports incentives to encourage small businesses to offer health insurance, greater reliance on ethanol as a fuel source and a prohibition against Congress' use of Social Security funds for general government operations.Hackett, in our view, is a gust of fresh air. If we had to put a label on him, it would be Libertarian Democrat. He says what he thinks and doesn't seem to have much use for the orthodoxy, or the partisanship, of either party. He doesn't want the government telling him what kinds of guns he can own, nor does he want it interfering in family or medical decisions or taking away civil liberties in the name of fighting terror. He regards Social Security more as an insurance program than a retirement savings plan, but wants to put it on a sound footing and would raise the earnings ceiling if necessary to do so.If elected, he notes, he would be the only member of Congress with direct military experience in Iraq - which, he says, is a fight we should end as soon as possible. He wants to finish the job and get out, and he wants the United States to stop holding hands with Pakistan and to get serious about tracking down those responsible for the 9-11 attacks.We like Hackett's candor. We're impressed with the freshness of his ideas. We believe his experience shows him to be someone who is action-oriented.We endorse Hackett for the 2nd District seat.

The Dems need a few good people who can lead those changes. I'm not just talking about christianveteranwhitefamilyguys.
Anywho, I wish em luck in 2006.
yeah, the poodles could go ape shit and chew through her juglar while she is sleeping.
Crazy bitch....[/b]
Now she can go visit the families of these guys...
(from the Washington Post)
Ohio-Based Battalion Loses 14 More Marines
The Associated Press
Wednesday, August 3, 2005; 11:31 AM
BROOK PARK, Ohio -- The 14 Marines killed in Iraq by a roadside bomb on Wednesday were all members of the same Ohio-based battalion that lost six Marines two days earlier, a Marine Corps spokesman said.
The Marines were members of the 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines based in this Cleveland suburb, according to Gunnery Sgt. Brad R. Lauer, public affairs chief with the unit.
The local unit to which the 14 Marines were assigned wasn't disclosed.
The battalion has units in Brook Park, where the six Marines who died Monday were assigned, and in Columbus and Akron, Ohio; Moundsville, W.Va.; and Buffalo, N.Y.
The 14 died when a Marine armored vehicle on patrol near the Syrian border hit a roadside bomb. They were riding in an amphibious assault vehicle, which is designed to carry troops from ship to shore and on land. The site is just outside Haditha, which is 140 miles northwest of Baghdad.
It was one of the deadliest single attacks in Iraq against American forces. A civilian interpreter also was killed.
The names of those killed were not released.
The first six died while on sniper duty Monday northwest of Baghdad. They were members of the Headquarters and Service Company, 3rd Battalion, based in Brook Park, a working class community of 21,000 southwest of Cleveland.
Family members identified four of the dead as Lance Cpl. Jeff Boskovitch of North Royalton, Lance Cpl. Brian Montgomery of Willoughby, Daniel Nathan Deyarmin of Tallmadge and Sgt. Nathaniel Rock of Toronto, Ohio.
Early Wednesday, several businesses in Brook Park tied red, white and blue ribbons on their doors, and some had American flags hanging in the windows.
A bouquet of red roses was placed at the gate of the Marine headquarters, an old brick schoolhouse. It was largely empty with a few Marines looking somber but unable to speak with the media because of a military gag order.
Boskovitch, 25, was an aspiring police officer who planned to set a wedding date with his girlfriend when he returned home this fall. He joined the Marine reserves in 2000, his uncle Paul Boskovitch said Tuesday.
"We got a lot of e-mail from him," Boskovitch said. "He felt he was making a difference there and that the Iraqi people were appreciative of what they were doing. He loved the Marines and he loved his unit."
the dudes commercial kind gives a totally different vibe...
its hard to even tell what party he's in going on that ad
iam just saying the ad gives the impression he was for the war, which is not the case
Sir Chins-a-lot there looks like he's one poodle yip away from ripping ol' girl's head off with one sweep of his hand.
for me, knowing his background and my own prejudice, the ad gives the impression that the war is not so simple that one can be simply for or against it.
i mean how can a guy be against the war and then turn around and volunteer?
and how on god's green earth could any body tap this?
So many things are fucking me up about this picture. The grey Olan Mills ???87 background. Then these fucking people! I mean she (US Congress???woman??? Schmidt bottom left) has one of those fitness freak bitch looking faces. (Read: steroids/testosterone.) She???s on record for calling Voinovich a poo-boy for getting teary eyed over the Bolton fight.* And she???s clearly whipped her daughter over there into her spitting, albeit slightly, plumper image. Then you got that bitch doughy bottom boy who???s clearly "the head of this good Christian household"--when Jen is peggin his little trick ass. Halleluiah! War! And for fuck???s living sake, don???t even get me started on those dogs.
Your new Congressperson Ohio. Makes me proud to live in Virginia. That???s right, Vir-fucking-ginia. She??? that bad.
* ???What kind of men do we have in Washington representing us right now? One refuses to back the president and the other is crying on national television.???
??? Jean Schmidt, Republican candidate for Congress in the 2nd Congressional District
Ms. Schmidt found a remarkably classless way to do it, commenting on the fact that when Sen. Voinovich talks about what he wants to leave behind for young people, he is capable of choking up.
More important, she seemed to be saying that voters who like legislators who exercise occasional independence from their party should not vote for her.