Political Documentary Your Thoughts?

DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
edited March 2009 in Strut Central
It's a 43 minute clip, get the popcorn and your snuggie!!!


  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    It's an interesting documentary, but not especially well made. (There was a thread about it already I think)

    This was my favourite part

  • It comes across as a bunch of rednecks on a sinking ship.
    Seen one, seen 'em all.

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    Whether you like it or not, you are on the same sinking ship. Unless you know something about plate tectonics that we don't.

  • Whether you like it or not, you are on the same sinking ship. Unless you know something about plate tectonics that we don't.

    I'm not on any f*cking sinking GOP ship...

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    Paging Harvey...

  • F*ck them. If they want to be represented by a bunch of small minded bigots, or some fat F*ck who is rooting for the president to fail, they can f*cking rot. Make Kenneth Purcell your poster boy, make a bunch of racist-hatefilled songs, and throw it to your constituents, who will lap it up like a bunch of hungry dogs, and see where that gets you.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    This is classic material.

    My first thought is that, if I'm going to write an oppositional slogan on a t-shirt, then I really ought to be able to spell what it is I'm opposing if I expect anyone to take me seriously.

    Secondly, if I need to look up a dictionary definition of what it is I'm opposing, and still can't get it right, then there is a strong likelihood that I don't know what I'm talking about and should shut the F*ck up.

    Thirdly, if I agree to make a horse's ass of myself by agreeing to be filmed not knowing what I'm talking about then I'm almost certainly an idiot.

    I usually shy away from making sweeping generalisations about Americans, and the one I'm about to make doesn't apply to the overwhelming majority of the posters on here in any event, but here goes anyway; Americans need to shut the F*ck up about what "socialism" is or isn't. America has never been governed according to socialist principles, and is never likely to be, either now or in the future. When America has had direct experience of democratic socialism, then that's when you'll find me chiming in on NBA threads.

    Also, I'm finding a rich vein of mirth in the sight and sound, after years of trying to paint themselves as free-thinking individuals at odds with the hive-mind mentality, of scores of right-wing yahoos parroting the same phrases over and over again wherever they gather to throw shit at one another; "drinking the Obama Kool-Aid", "Obama the Messiah", "Obama = Hitler". This last doozy being of course derived from the dazzling, "hey, how 'bout that?" extrapolation of the term "socialism" into "National Socialism" which, as our boy has helpfully informed us all, makes socialism "the same as Hitler". Yeah, I saw what you did there - pretty slick.

    Dude. Shut. The. F*ck. Up.

  • It's an interesting documentary, but not especially well made. (There was a thread about it already I think)

    This was my favourite part

    HOLY F*CKING SH*T that kid is a dumb, DUMB motherf*cker!?!?! Going to look up socialism on his blackberry...
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