rock drumming (killing it related)
8,182 Posts
not the greatest video quality wise...I shot it with a still camera silent and then tried to synch up the audio I mixed from the board and stage goes out of synch at about 9-10 minutes, but I posted it because of the drummer, who I thought some of you might dig, a good friend of mine and I am astonished at his playing...definitely an original, especially in the metal/punk realms, plays with such control...the only person I compare him to is Mitch Mitchell...I know the music wont be everyones cuppa, but from about 2:20 or so on he does some amazing stuff, and some next level rolls at 6ish
SOY Festival #6 - Son Lux from Anousonne Savanchomkeo on Vimeo.
i cannot get this to load for the life of me...
not workin for me.
i think the best rock drummer I saw somewhat recently was Jon Theodore.
I saw them right after Deloused dropped and he was insane.