old school turkish mix
143 Posts
After FabE???s latest trip to Istanbul, we thought it was time for a Turkish mix in the Laid Back show. Expect Rock/Psych Rock/Folk & Funk from the late 60???s to mid 70???s combining traditional eastern sounds with western influences.- rHil???s Set -Kim Bunlar - UntitledBulent Ortacgil Olmali - Mi Olmamali Mi3 H??rel - Ve OlumAlpay - UntitledSakir Oner - Deli DeliMustafa Ozkent - UskudarFikret Kizilok - Ay BattiErkin Koray - Aska InanmiyorumEdip Akbayram - Aldirma Gonul AldirmaEdip Akbayram - Sen Actin YarayiBaris Man??o - Hal HalErsen ve Dadaslar - Gurur- FabE???s set -Erkin Koray - YagmurErsen ve Dadaslar - Yedin BeniSel??uk Alagoz - Malabadi KoprusuEdip Akbayram Dostlar - Zalim, ZalimTaci - Gurbet Ele SelamBaris Man??o - Lambaya Puf DeEdip Akbayram Dostlar - Bugun Bizde Bayram VarSelda - Dane Dane BenlerinKamuran Akkor - Mavi BoncukCem Karaka Mogollar - Uzum KaldiListenAlso:- Long time Laid Back collaborator LP aka Lisa Preston and UK based producer K15 just released their "A new path" EP.- And of course our pictures of the week: graffiti on the Berlin wall, kids discovering street art, winter graffiti, some music for the Laid Back brother and Lucien De Roeck???s exhibition in Brussels.Enjoy,J.