Understanding This Modern Soul Phenomenon
Out Digging 13,993 Posts
This fascinates me....and I'd love to understand it better.... I've had a couple of items that are apparently "raer" Modern Soul records and have gone for decent cash in the past. Each time I have listed these items on ebay the winner is from France, with no feedbacks and less intention of actually paying for/buying the record. So what is the deal?? Do they own this record and want to make sure no one else does? Are there Modern Soul haters who just like to screw with MS auctions? I'd love to hear any/all theories.
That's where my money would be.
Their wives are probably as tight as a wizard's sleeve.
You may be on to something here.
Anytime there's a cover-up pic on an ebay auction, or on a shop site, it's invariably French in origin, has some excitable babble attached containing buzzwords like 'secret', 'unknown' and 'protected', and a pricetag of 100 Euros. It may also bear the appellation "CORTEX-LIKE" or "= PLACEBO".
Then it turns out to be that old chestnut Moravagine or some Bernard Estardy cosmic disco groove.
Also, please let the dog see the rabbit. What were these Modern Soul records you speak of?
Two different LP's by Cleo McNett
I sold Cleo McNett "never Far" 12" a few weeks back to Euroman. How much did those go for? Mine went cheap.
These were two of his full length LP's and the three auctions were all between $175.00- $225.00
???144... I am not fam with it at all. Does it sound good? 1986 would be Anita Baker season for me.
Crazy. The 12" listing is:
A. Vocal
B. Instrumental
but both sides are instrumental. I've never heard the vocals before.
I can understand how these would go down well in a French disco in a ski resort, or with the 40+ divorcee set flirting with gigolos at 1am in plush red leatherette nightclubs on the Cote D'Azur.
But it's not what I know as Modern Soul.
Where are those clubs? I want to be in one right now. Preferably the ski resort version.