Gang of six-year-olds bash older student

LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
edited December 2008 in Strut Central
"FOUR six-year-old children have been suspended from school for bashing an older student.b, 21b, 21The grade-four student was set upon by the prep students at Heidelberg Primary School, in suburban Melbourne, on Wednesday. b, 21b, 21The 10-year-old was taken to hospital but has since returned to school. b, 21b, 21School principal Janet Ringrose confirmed the incident had occurred, saying the four students had been suspended. b, 21b, 21"This behaviour is out of character for our students and our school," Ms Ringrose said.b, 21b, 21"As soon as we became aware of the matter, we contacted the relevant authorities, organised immediate medical attention and the respective parents were promptly notified. b, 21b, 21"We have been in constant touch with the boy's family to offer our support. The boy is now back at school. b, 21b, 21"Further steps have been taken to ensure all students are clear that this behaviour is unacceptable. b, 21"I am confident that the boys understand it was absolutely the wrong thing to do." b, 21b, 21Education Department assistant regional director Bruce Armstrong said the attackers, all aged about six, wrestled the boy to the ground. b, 21b, 21The boy "may have hit his head" on the ground before the students continued bashing him, Mr Armstrong said on radio 3AW. b, 21b, 21He called it a "rare and isolated incident". b, 21b, 21Victorian Premier John Brumby said the incident would shock many Victorians and a full report would be prepared by the school. b, 21b, 21"It's the type of incident that you don't think could occur or would occur," Mr Brumby said. b, 21b, 21"It's completely unacceptable behaviour." b, 21b, 21Mr Brumby said tackling violence in schools and on the streets came down to respect. b, 21b, 21"If you respect other people, if you respect your classmates, you don't go around hitting them at school, it doesn't matter whether they're prep kids, it doesn't matter whether they're older kids. b, 21b, 21"We need to get on top of this issue. It's thankfully, I think, a very isolated issue, the bulk of our schools are very good ... and you don't see this sort of incident."


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