PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
edited November 2008 in Strut Central
Worst President Ever.b, 21b, 21Just watching this Bush speech, dude is mentally trapped in his first year of his first term. Impeachment would probably be good for him on a personal development level.b, 21b, 21Let's see how those divine markets respond to his shore up routine.


  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21 Impeachment would probably be good for him on a personal development level. b, 21b, 21h, 21
    b, 21b, 21b, 21I'm saying. sure it would be a massive waste of resources and time, but absent an impeachment effort this dude is really gonna retire thinking he was a good president. b, 21b, 21it would have a positive effect on the Pres and his party in the long run. plus fuggit they deserve it; they impeached Clinton for lying about a ducksick.
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