Who's Focusing on Work Today?

RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
edited November 2008 in Strut Central
I feel like my Steelers won the Super Bowl last night... just wanna revel!b,121b,121b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happyday.gif" alt="" 21


  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    The apathy is starting to ooze out of my republican co workers faces as we speak.

  • I sure as shit dont wanna work today...RAJ check yo paypal, i gots records to list up

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    I am inspired to do more in my community and I have the feeling that anything is possible

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    This linguistics midterm I have in two hours feels absolutely irrelevant. I am pushing through on some "What would Obama do" steez though.

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121The apathy is starting to ooze out of my republican co workers faces as we speak.b, 21b, 21h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121they are all[/b] ass hurt today in my building. take an L folls. think of the future and not your dumb selves with your old-people minds.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    A bunch of local friends of ours got their Obama signs stolen out of their yard last night.b,121b,121img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/doggie.gif" alt="" 21

  • i don't generally focus on work anyways...b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ehh.gif" alt="" 21

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121The apathy is starting to ooze out of my republican co workers faces as we speak. b, 21b, 21h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121I don't understand why everyone can't see this as a momentous day. Why can't we rally together as a nation for once? I was ass-hurt when Bush got elected once and twice, but he's a twat, and it took 6-7 years for the majority of the country to figure it out. I think we can do some good things as a country, if we can work together for once. I think we all support the economy starting to get repaired.b,121b,121Maybe it should be hug a republican day, or buy them a lunch and say, "Let's work this out."b, 21b,121I sound liberal.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121The apathy is starting to ooze out of my republican co workers faces as we speak. b, 21b, 21h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121There's one kinda wingnutty Republican in my office who made it something of a habit to drop by my cube to tell me how Obama's a socialist and all this other crap. I'm hoping this will shut his piehole about that, but I'm worried that he's just gonna ratchet it up. We'll see....

  • The local hatemongering 'sports,' talk douches said...b,121b,121" I'll support him on the troops, but I hope everything he does domestically fails."b, 21b,121b,121GOP- Cutting off their trunk to spite their face.

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121The apathy is starting to ooze out of my republican co workers faces as we speak. b, 21b, 21h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121There's one kinda wingnutty Republican in my office who made it something of a habit to drop by my cube to tell me how Obama's a socialist and all this other crap. I'm hoping this will shut his piehole about that, but I'm worried that he's just gonna ratchet it up. We'll see.... b, 21b, 21h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Why wait for him. Go to his cube and have a talk about what happened. Reach across the cube wall as it were... You don't have to be smug or preachy, just be calm and direct. He will get the message.

  • today i think most people who made a significant financial, emotional, and/or personal investment in the campaign are having a feeling a mix of happiness, shock, and what-do-we-do-now-ness.b,121b,121as they were still counting votes in my polling place last night, someone let us know that the media had already announced obama won pennsylvania. everyone was thrilled, but considering the investment everyone had made in the campaign, it was also a little startling - in the "now what" sense. an hour earlier, they were still knocking on doors and passing out literature. seconds earlier we were wondering what the impact of our precinct would have on the election results.b,121b,121b,121btw, anyone see the saba ad that says "my records are worth more than your house"b,121b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/balla-22.gif" alt="" 21

  • It's my first day of a new job and a new country. It feels good. img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happyday.gif" alt="" 21

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts
    Yeah, I'm checking out NY Times' interactive election map. Fusk work right now. You can see each county's spread. These are the more "extreme" areas of the country:b,121b,121Bronx County, NY- 88.% for Obama img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ohmyer1.gif" alt="" 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/game.gif" alt="" 21b,121b,121Roberts county, TX (northern TX)- 92.1 % McCain img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/f-u.gif" alt="" 21

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I work with some hard core repubs.b,121b,121b,121the rest of us are sneaking out for a victory lunch!!!

  • I would be able to if you all would stop posting, dammit!!

  • I am. If MY DUDE can go to work the following day with his transition comittee than I can go work, class, the gym etc.b,121b,121but with a little of soulstrut, news, facebook first

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121b,121btw, anyone see the saba ad that says "my records are worth more than your house"b, 21b, 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/balla-22.gif" alt="" 21 b, 21b, 21h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121I own a large doghouse on stilts with a porch and tared roof that's made out of solid, tropical redwood and might very well be worth more than his collection. Has he ever listed what he has?

  • covecove 1,566 Posts
    Who works?

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121btw, anyone see the saba ad that says "my records are worth more than your house"b, 21b, 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/balla-22.gif" alt="" 21 b, 21b, 21h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Joke's on him - most of us don't own houses! b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121wait.... img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/WHYMUSTICRY.gif" alt="" 21

  • I'm seriously contemplating blowing off this entire day.b, 21b, 21Coates agrees

  • I woke up, like, an hour ago maybe?

    in bed fully clothed from last night.

    and hanging over in a major way.

    so no, no work focus for me today.


    yo, we're doing it all over again tmrw night at ruby skye. I'll be deejaying again.
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