New Linndrum II Design (3rd Revision)

spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
edited November 2008 in Strut Central
Just keeps getting better, but the release date keeps getting pushed back. Ready to cop one the day it comes out. Anyone touched one yet? Did Roger listen to your suggestions Thes?b,121b,121img src=" II third design.jpg"1


  • I don't know, my main suggestion i brought up again at namm (when it was still the old design) was that there was a lightpipe/adat form 8 channel out that people could use external d/a converters with or go straight into PT multitrack with digital to digital. Shit would change the game so hopefully the new design incorporates this. At that time there were only four analogue outs on the back, a definite weakness.. b, 21b, 21it's looking more swass now though.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Yeah when I looked at the back that was the first thing I thought. It's the essential part, cause unless you're trying to capture the sound of older gear everyone wants to be in the box as much as possible and then sum analog.b,121b,121The faders are real nice though for working on beats, not having to mess with an external mixer while working. Looks like they're really shooting for this to be a live tool. Not sure where they're going with the Keyboard/Mouse never really worked with the 3000...b,121b,121But damn, I just want it to come out already, gonna have to walk down the street back home and knock on Roger's door! I think some people pre-ordered these too, don't know what happens with that.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    I was really hyped for this before but I don't know now. It seems like with each revision they tack on a shitload of more features that would be good if I already didn't have an existing workflow. With the addition of VGA and all this mouse and keyboard shit, I grew even more skeptical. While they could just be nice to have additions, I'm predicting workflow will be based around/enhanced by them and I just hate using both.b,121b,121I'm sure I could integrate it but it just seems like too much right now. If I see some convincing demos of its workflow from start to finish, I'll go ahead and order it but right now I've gone from guaranteed pre-order to wait and see. Plus, the mufuckah is getting bigger and bigger and I don't have space for that shit!b,121b,121Thes, saw the interview in Remix mag you did about the console. Good look!
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